Archive for the ‘papal’ Tag

Exactly as Prophesied!

As students of prophecy, we know there are certain things that must happen before the mark of the beast can be enforced. If you have read my blog entry titled “Steps Have Been Taken to Enforce the MARK” you know what’s already happened recently and so, there’s not a lot left to happen. I also have a page titled “Religious Laws are Coming” wherein I share current events regarding the mark of the beast being enforced soon and I also have a website “The LOUD Cry” wherein I share an outline on how the Loud Cry goes forth and what happens directly before the mark is enforced for those children of God who are serious about getting ready for their King’s return.

For those wanting a ton of current articles and videos showing the Pope is using his long prophesied agenda he now calls “Climate Change” to demand a global need for religious laws we know will cultivate a worldwide desire for “Sunday Laws” to stop the calamities in nature, please check this page out.

That all being said; this post is going to hopefully open the eyes of the scoffer who claims there will be no religious laws, and the Pope is not going to use climate change to con every nation on earth to keep Sunday holy so as to stop all the so-called climate disasters, you need to check out what the Pope just released to every national leader on earth by clicking here.

And for those that don’t want to read all that the Pope wrote in the prophesied document, as it is a bit wordy as well as cryptic in nature, here are just a few excerpts proving Christian prophecy is THAT ACCURATE; and the man of sin in Rome is doing exactly as prophesied.

  • “This is a global social issue and one intimately related to the dignity of human life. The Bishops of the United States have expressed very well this social meaning of our concern about climate change, which goes beyond a merely ecological approach, because “our care for one another and our care for the earth are intimately bound together.” -Laudate Deum #3
  • “If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact. As a result, along with indispensable political decisions, we would be making progress along the way to genuine care for one another.” -Laudate Deum #72

In other words, all the laws the Pope wants to enforce to assure no one is able to “legally” deny his climate change agenda; having the United States enforce it first will move all other nations to follow America’s lead to go global. And just so you know, this is clearly prophesied to happen in this exact order. Proof? See this.

After declaring all sorts of scientifically confirmed falsehoods about everything from global warming causing more snow in some areas, volcanic eruptions in other areas and dozens of other very unscientific strange claims that literally 31,487 real Scientists have declared to be lies back in 1997 when the Pope and Al Gore started this campaign, and an additional 1,600 scientists just joined with them in August of 2023 to further confirm the Pope isn’t telling the truth about climate change; yet the Pope continues to make these statements like this next one in his “Laudate Deum.”

  • “Certain apocalyptic diagnoses may well appear scarcely reasonable or insufficiently grounded. This should not lead us to ignore the real possibility that we are approaching a critical point.” -Laudate Deum #17

The reason he uses the term “apocalyptic diagnoses” is two-fold.

#1, the Pope knows all about how the prophesied Loud Cry is about to go forth all around the world proving all the climate disasters and general calamities have nothing to do with climate change and everything to do with the final signs of Christ’s return, and so he hopes to plant a seed of doubt in the hearts of everyone that is soon to hear the final warning regarding his real agenda with climate change.

#2, the Pope knows for a fact the remnant people in the 11th hour movement of Matthew 20:1-7 have already been warning people in every nation about all the final signs that have been fulfilled for decades and they have begun leaving the apostate churches exactly as prophesied in Revelation 18:1-5. And so again, he hopes to plant a seed of doubt in the hearts of everyone that is about to hear the final warning regarding his real agenda with climate change, which we know is all about enforcing the mark of the beast globally.

The Pope also stated:

  • “we can add that the Covid-19 pandemic brought out the close relation of human life with that of other living beings and with the natural environment. But in a special way, it confirmed that what happens in one part of the world has repercussions on the entire planet.” -Laudate Deum #19

Problem with that claim is, the so-called pandemic was not an actual pandemic at all. In fact, it was nowhere near the required numbers to even be considered an epidemic, let alone a border crossing pandemic. And yes, I have a ton of proof listed here that is updated weekly. The “pandemic” was nothing more than a global political exercise that allowed the Pope to build the final infrastructure he needs to enforce the mark in each individual nation. Proof? See this video.

Now for the clincher:

  • “When we talk about the possibility of some form of world authority regulated by law, we need not necessarily think of a personal authority”.[26] We are speaking above all of “more effective world organizations, equipped with the power to provide for the global common good, the elimination of hunger and poverty and the sure defence of fundamental human rights”.[27] The issue is that they must be endowed with real authority, in such a way as to “provide for” the attainment of certain essential goals.” -Laudate Deum #35
  • I invite you to recognize that “many groups and organizations within civil society help to compensate for the shortcomings of the international community, its lack of coordination in complex situations, and its lack of attention to fundamental human rights” -Laudate Deum #37
  • “In the medium-term, globalization favours spontaneous cultural interchanges, greater mutual knowledge and processes of integration of peoples, which end up provoking a multilateralism “from below” and not simply one determined by the elites of power. The demands that rise up from below throughout the world, where activists from very different countries help and support one another, can end up pressuring the sources of power. It is to be hoped that this will happen with respect to the climate crisis. For this reason, I reiterate that “unless citizens control political power – national, regional and municipal – it will not be possible to control damage to the environment” -Laudate Deum #38

All that he is saying here is that he wants a new “world authority” which the obedient remnant has been exposing as the Vatican’s final agenda for decades as the “New World Order” that is prophesied to be in actual power for 15 days at the end of plague #6. In a Newsletter I posted back in June of 2006, it is clear that this long expected global power controlled by Rome has already agreed nation by nation under a well-structured global constitution first drafted on paper as “the club of Rome” back in 1968.

  • “All this presupposes the development of a new procedure for decision-making and legitimizing those decisions… In this framework, there would necessarily be required spaces for conversation, consultation, arbitration, conflict resolution and supervision, and, in the end, a sort of increased “democratization” in the global context. -Laudate Deum #43
  • “the accords have been poorly implemented, due to lack of suitable mechanisms for oversight, periodic review and penalties in cases of noncompliance. The principles which they proclaimed still await an efficient and flexible means of practical implementation”.[32] Also, that “international negotiations cannot make significant progress due to positions taken by countries which place their national interests above the global common good. Those who will have to suffer the consequences of what we are trying to hide will not forget this failure of conscience and responsibility.” -Laudate Deum #52

The Pope is demanding laws and strict penalties for any and all that “deride the facts” he makes about his climate change agenda. (See sections 6-8 in his Laudate Deum for more info) This is exactly what we have been warning absolutely everyone about nonstop for as long as I can recall. Soon, this will be law globally. You cannot change Christian prophecy!

Now do you see why the Pope created the “Roman International Court System” years ago when no one on all the apostate pulpits were able to see or even understood any need for him to do this as of yet? This is why the Pope has been vying since 2009 to be the “moral authority” on earth. Just ten years prior to that long expected announcement prophesied by the prophet Daniel, many came forward seeking to puff the Pope up for just such a position. Do you recall this article back in May of 1999?

  • THE Pope was recognized as the overall authority in the Christian world by an Anglican and Roman Catholic commission yesterday which described him as a “gift to be received by all the Churches”. …if a new united Christian Church was created it would be the ‘Bishop of Rome who would exercise a universal primacy.” -CHURCHES AGREE THAT POPE HAS OVERALL AUTHORITY, (Electronic Telegraph-UK News) May 13, 1999 Oliver Poole

He is now that authority according to global church leaders! In fact, that day came and went 4 years ago! Proof? Check out this video I made back on February 13, 2019.

For decades we have been doing all we can to warn people that the Popes of Rome and their loyal operatives in the United Nations and every 501c3 government approved church will use their fabricated climate change emergency to demand religious laws be passed in every nation on earth so as to criminalize any and all speech or activity they deem “illegal” so as to supposedly save the planet. This was boldly confirmed as reality which in turn vindicated all of us in the SDR Movement when we saw (and documented) all the strange laws and global infrastructure that was set up during the so-called pandemic. Every nation on earth has agreed in writing to do as the Pope demanded. And the 3 nations that refused, saw their leaders quickly assassinated. This confirms the New World Order Machine is running exactly as expected. Not to mention the fact that some scientists were also assassinated for investigating the claims of melting ice in the Artic.

Now that the infrastructure is intact and actual “steps have been taken to enforce the mark,” all that’s left now is to draft and then enforce a global law criminalizing anything and anyone they deem to be a problem regarding their climate change agenda. And this includes the removal of free speech unto all those seeking to warn everyone about this long prophesied agenda. And yes, this is why the Pope started demanding “limits on free speech” back in 2015 so as to have everything in place as we speak.

That all being said… are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?!

Unholy Popes of Rome

What I am about to share is a partial list of popes through the history of the Roman Church. In this list are historic records documenting crimes committed by these so-called “vicars” of Christ. Although not every pope is guilty of committing such heinous crimes out in the open, nonetheless these crimes must be somewhat condoned by all popes since they are not condemned by them either. The fact the Vatican gives them honored burials and writes them magnificent epitaphs speaks volumes on their acceptance. Truth is I will be sharing documented facts below where the Vatican states even a “sinful pope” is still considered a member of the church and is to be obeyed at all costs. Should they not have been excommunicated instead?

If we were to believe all that came from the lips of these so-called infallible “Holy Fathers” of Rome as they are blasphemously called, (See this video) then we all should discard the truth that the earth revolves around the sun. Historic fact remains Galileo, had to deal with graphic attacks from Rome, and even forced to recant the truth that he himself discovered regarding our Galaxy and how the truth confirms the Sun does not revolve around the earth. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church recently admitted their error in regards to this. But this lends more credence to the fact they lied again. How you ask? Is it not written within the dogma of Rome that all Popes are infallible and incapable of error? If so, how is it the Sun does not revolve around the Earth as they stated? Of course, when the light of truth is shined in its strength, error possesses no other choice but to submit to truth. Common sense prevails. And so will it be in the final analysis when all is said and done. All will bow their knee to Christ, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. This includes the unsaved wicked of earth. Not only that, Satan and the fallen angels that joined with him in rebellion against God, and attacked the true Christian will bow as well. Proof, see this study regarding what happens at the end of the 1000 years.

The following list of facts can be verified the world over. You can find this information in just about any library or online search engine. It’s that well known. One problem will arise however; you will have a difficult time finding this information if you only seek the data from only Roman Catholic websites. And it doesn’t seem to matter if they’re approved by the Vatican or not. I know, I tried. The only time you will find a smattering of this data is when they feel they were able to either explain it away, or “prove” it bogus. You will notice however, the only way any of them feel they are capable of proving it bogus is by using biased sources that are most assuredly Roman Catholic in nature. In fact, they don’t even hide the fact their sources are of Roman Catholic authors or publishers. Again, I know… I tried.

By the way, this fairly short list is not to say that the majority of the Popes were good and only this small faction of them evil. The reason I share this list is because I have already proven, using a Bible, that all the Popes are evil. Every prophecy that has ever been uttered regarding antichrist has been fulfilled by all the popes of Rome. This group just happened to be the crème of the crop, for lack of a better term.


  1. Pope Sergius III(904 – 911) obtained his office by murder. He fathered several illegitimate children by Marozia, who assassinated Pope Leo VI (928 – 929), and put her own teenage son (John XI) as Pope.

When I researched this pope on Vatican approved websites to verify further, they had hardly anything to say. Where most popes had huge dissertations about them listed online, this particular Pope had a single paragraph that would cover all but a 1/4 page. Their excuse for this vague data was that the only history they had of him was from negative reports of his opponents. So of course it was considered fictitious and thereby omitted. Sadly, this is a common reaction from within this church. As long as I have been sharing with Catholics the last 40 years, the grand majority that are taught to distrust historical or even biblical truth always seem to dismiss it as easy as the Vatican prelates do. They figure that ANY negative reports no matter how well verified must be a lie. And by the way, I know of this “faith” first hand. I was Catholic 29 years and I to was “taught” (indoctrinated) to have a blind trust in only the priests and nuns.

So yes, the Catholic websites will omit any info on this pope. However, they did seem to mention the fact he was allowed the sacred burial of a pope regardless. In other words, he has been buried in St Peter’s Basicilla in a place of honor and high respect like all the other popes before him. Including the overwhelmingly evil ones I am mentioning here.

  1. Pope John XII(955 – 964) is described in the Catholic encyclopedia as “a coarse, immoral man.” The Catholic collection of the lives of the Popes, the “Liber Pontificalis” said: He spent his entire life in adultery.” Catholic bishop Luitprand states that “he had no respect for single girls, married woman or widows – they were sure to be defiled by him.”

In researching this Pope on Vatican approved sites, I found the following…

 “On 6 November (964) a synod composed of fifty Italian and German bishops was convened in St. Peter’s; John was accused of sacrilege, simony, perjury, murder, adultery, and incest, and was summoned in writing to defend himself. Refusing to recognize the synod, John pronounced sentence of excommunication (ferendæ sententia) against all participators in the assembly, should they elect in his stead another pope.” –Catholic Encyclopedia

Then on February 26 of 964AD, Pope John XII held a synod of his own in St. Peter’s in which the decrees of the synod of November 6 were repealed! How convenient! If you’re a Pope, and someone that has evidence against you steps up, even if it’s 50 men, just excommunicate them and move on to have what they brought forward annulled and struck from existence.

By the way, the Vatican still holds this pope in high standing to this day. Thing is, his evil ways did eventually catch up with him.  He died on May 14, 964AD, eight days after he had been, according to rumor, stricken by paralysis in the act of adultery.

One more thing on this pope… Cardinal Bellarmine of the 17th century was a great defender of the papacy but he considered John XII and all the others to be abominable. Nevertheless, he wrote in his book De Romano Pontifice“The Pope is the supreme judge of faith of morals…If the Pope were to err by imposing sins and forbidding virtues, the church would still have to consider sins as virtues and virtues as vices… 

Does this not bring to mind a quote I shared before in many of my newsletters? The Vatican openly declares that if they choose to define something holy, even though you know it to be evil, you must agree it’s holy if the Magistrate defines it as such. Case in point is the following statement by the founder of the infamous Jesuit order himself. He literally said in writing that “…we should always be ready to accept this principal: I will believe that the white that I see is black, if the hierarchical Church defines it as such.” –By Ignatius de Loyola The Spirit Exercies of St. Ignatius, p. 141

Is it out of line to call this brainwashing / indoctrination? No, I don’t think so.

3.Pope Boniface VII (984 – 985), John XII and Leo VIII were described by the Bishop of Orleans as “monsters of guilt, reeking in blood and filth.”

For some reason this Pope’s records are missing all together from certain Vatican web sites. I could find nothing that would agree or disagree with his reign of terror. In fact, the list goes from Boniface VI to Boniface VIII without any explanation for the missing Pope at all! Perhaps he was far too much an embarrassment to retain? So… they omitted his entire pontificate?

  1. Pope John XV(985 – 996) split the churches finances among his relatives and was described as “covetous of filthy lucre and corrupt in all his acts.”

Researching further, this is yet another pope who’s evil past seems to have been erased from certain Vatican approved websites. There is record of his existence, however no mention of his evil lusts are recorded in any form that I can find. All you I was able to find was nothing but well thought out positive reports about him.

  1. Pope Benedict IX(1033 – 1045) committed murders and adulteries in broad daylight, robbed pilgrims, and was regarded as a hideous criminal by all. The people drove him out of Rome: The Catholic encyclopedia says, “He was a disgrace to the chair of Peter.”

Now I will admit I am a bit surprised at the research I dug up on this pope. The Vatican sites were a bit truthful in regards to this one. They did repeat that he was a disgrace to the papacy, but they stopped short there. Not a single mention of his evil reign as a pope, or his crazed activities were mentioned in the slightest.  However, they did manage to speak of him in the same light they would any other pope. So, why did they admit him evil and then praise him anyway? It has to do with the true nature of the beast. Truth is, the word, “Babylon” means “to mix.” They mix truth with error just as much as they mix curses with blessings. As many years as I have been doing this research I have come to expect this of Rome.

  1. Pope Innocent III(1198 – 1216) promoted the Inquisition, surpassing all his predecessors in killing over one million people.

Here we have one of the most evil popes in the history of mankind. I have no doubt they called him “Innocent” so as to cultivate a false seed of trust in the minds of their church family. This is a man that surpassed all his predecessors in killing over 1 million Christians in his short 18 year reign of terror, and the Roman Catholic Vatican approved websites start off their historic dissertations regarding this madman by saying he was, and I quote… “One of the greatest popes of the Middle Ages –Catholic Encyclopedia

Historic fact remains he was a murderous and highly satanic man. Yet modern day Roman Catholic leaders herald him as a leader worthy of emulating to this day! It seems Pope Innocent’s followers are trying to live up to his wonderful leadership! And they have the audacity to name him Pope “Innocent?”

You think this strange? Don’t. For Rome truly does look at killing “heretics” as a blessed and wonderful act worthy of praise. Mr. Raywood Frazier, in the booklet “Catholic Words and Actions,” presents documentary proof of the intensive persecution of Protestants and non-Catholics in Columbia, South America, between 1949 and 1953. The Catholic Church had the support of the Columbian government in the destruction of many churches, and the liquidation of more than 1,000 documented cases — some of whom were shot, drowned, or emasculated. He says there is evidence of over 60,000 killed. Pope Pius XII awarded the President of Columbia with one of the highest awards which the Church bestows, and praised Columbia for its example of the Catholic faith.” (Pp. 59,60)

Just so you know, Pope Pius XII was Hitler’s Pope.

“The Catholic Church has persecuted … when she thinks it is good to use physical force she will use it Will the Catholic Church give bond that she will not persecute?… The Catholic Church gives no bonds for her good behaviour.” –Western Watchman, Dec. 24, 1908

Keep in mind that THIS IS IN WRITING! They don’t deny it. And soon the Vatican will have ALL its (fleeting) power returned unto it and the killings will once again become commonplace as prophesied. And yes, you will also see MANY obedient Christians go to their graves 100% willing. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. ” -Philippians 1:21. As the remnant church knows, it is a far better thing to die for Christ then to live a moment for Rome!

  1. Pope Boniface VIII(1294 – 1303). The Catholic encyclopedia states “Scarcely any possible crime was omitted – heresy, gross and unnatural immorality, idolatry, magic, simony … his whole pontificate was one record of evil.” Dante visited Rome and described the Vatican as a sewer of corruption and assigned Boniface VII, Nicholas III and Clement V to the “lowest parts of hell.” He proposed to be an atheist, and in 1302 issued the “Unum Sanctum” officially declaring the Roman Catholic church as the only true church, outside of which on one can be saved.

The Vatican approved sites not only listed these charges, but they also claimed historians have proven them false! Of course they did not list the so called historians names that proved this false, or their so called evidence. Not one single solitary line of proof was shared on any site. But then, for most Catholics who have blind faith in the Popes and prelates, if their Pope says it’s not true, they believe it no matter how big the mountain of evidence proves otherwise. Praise God that not all Catholics will do that as Revelation 18: 1-5 confirms.

The simple mention of that lie seems to be all the Vatican deems necessary to do. Yet when we stand before some of them to share truth about these Popes, they not only require proof, they claim it is bogus when we do supply it. The real sad thing here is, most Catholics will believe their leaders lies over the proof an outsider brings forward simply because we are outsiders in their eyes. Even if it is undeniable proof, they choose to ignore it for what their leaders say without proving it. Pray for them, they truly are in grave danger!

  1. Pope John XXII(1316 – 1334) was accused by 37 clergy witnesses of fornication, adultery, incest, sodomy, simony, theft and murder. It was proved by a legion of witnesses that he had seduced and violated 300 nuns. He kept a harem at Boulogne of 200 girls. He was publicly called the devil incarnate. He has been called the most depraved criminal who ever sat on the papal throne.

One would think the Vatican would at least make mention of some evils this Pope committed. However, all record of this man’s decadence were completely erased from mainstream Vatican sites for fear the faithful Catholic would get wind of it.

Thing is, their stupidity in covering this stuff up only serves one purpose to the genuine seeker. Once they investigate this stuff, and find that it has been covered up, they will leave this church more readily than if they were allowed to know about it first hand. Truth is, Rome can’t hide all their records anymore. There’s simply too much info out there now. This is the reason the Pope came forward in March of 2000 with his mea-culpa apology. He knew that authentic records are eventually going to surface in places all over the world, especially since the Internet came to be. So the public relations ploy was to fess up to try and save face. Well I say, too little… too late guys. They are leaving in droves as we speak praise God.

  1. Pope Pius II(1458 – 1464) fathered many illegitimate children and taught others to do likewise.

Here the Vatican sites state he only fathered “two” illegitimate children. Why you ask? Common sense… some of them could still have descendants alive today. As always, it is better to admit to the lesser crime here simply because odds are against any of them coming forward anyway. And if any do, they can claim they already admitted it long ago, and so it’s a done deal. But if the real number of children was brought forth, it would be such a graphic admission that Rome would have to admit more evils then they are comfortable with. Admitting to “two” at this point is a win win situation. Even if more than two appear, what are the odds two will surface in the same part of the World so many generations later? So.. they figured.. they can merely say he fathered two children out of wedlock just in case one of the hundreds of possible descendants come forward from the probable dozens of illegitimate children at the start.

  1. Pope Paul II(1464 – 1471) maintained a house full of concubines.

As usual, all mention of any evil this pope committed was omitted from the Vatican approved websites. Surprised? No.

Well.. This went on a little longer than I anticipated and so I will finish the last 10 “man of sin” facts in part 2 of this blog. (You can see a condensed version of this list in a video here)