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Unholy Popes of Rome

What I am about to share is a partial list of popes through the history of the Roman Church. In this list are historic records documenting crimes committed by these so-called “vicars” of Christ. Although not every pope is guilty of committing such heinous crimes out in the open, nonetheless these crimes must be somewhat condoned by all popes since they are not condemned by them either. The fact the Vatican gives them honored burials and writes them magnificent epitaphs speaks volumes on their acceptance. Truth is I will be sharing documented facts below where the Vatican states even a “sinful pope” is still considered a member of the church and is to be obeyed at all costs. Should they not have been excommunicated instead?

If we were to believe all that came from the lips of these so-called infallible “Holy Fathers” of Rome as they are blasphemously called, (See this video) then we all should discard the truth that the earth revolves around the sun. Historic fact remains Galileo, had to deal with graphic attacks from Rome, and even forced to recant the truth that he himself discovered regarding our Galaxy and how the truth confirms the Sun does not revolve around the earth. Of course, the Roman Catholic Church recently admitted their error in regards to this. But this lends more credence to the fact they lied again. How you ask? Is it not written within the dogma of Rome that all Popes are infallible and incapable of error? If so, how is it the Sun does not revolve around the Earth as they stated? Of course, when the light of truth is shined in its strength, error possesses no other choice but to submit to truth. Common sense prevails. And so will it be in the final analysis when all is said and done. All will bow their knee to Christ, the King of kings, and Lord of lords. This includes the unsaved wicked of earth. Not only that, Satan and the fallen angels that joined with him in rebellion against God, and attacked the true Christian will bow as well. Proof, see this study regarding what happens at the end of the 1000 years.

The following list of facts can be verified the world over. You can find this information in just about any library or online search engine. It’s that well known. One problem will arise however; you will have a difficult time finding this information if you only seek the data from only Roman Catholic websites. And it doesn’t seem to matter if they’re approved by the Vatican or not. I know, I tried. The only time you will find a smattering of this data is when they feel they were able to either explain it away, or “prove” it bogus. You will notice however, the only way any of them feel they are capable of proving it bogus is by using biased sources that are most assuredly Roman Catholic in nature. In fact, they don’t even hide the fact their sources are of Roman Catholic authors or publishers. Again, I know… I tried.

By the way, this fairly short list is not to say that the majority of the Popes were good and only this small faction of them evil. The reason I share this list is because I have already proven, using a Bible, that all the Popes are evil. Every prophecy that has ever been uttered regarding antichrist has been fulfilled by all the popes of Rome. This group just happened to be the crème of the crop, for lack of a better term.


  1. Pope Sergius III(904 – 911) obtained his office by murder. He fathered several illegitimate children by Marozia, who assassinated Pope Leo VI (928 – 929), and put her own teenage son (John XI) as Pope.

When I researched this pope on Vatican approved websites to verify further, they had hardly anything to say. Where most popes had huge dissertations about them listed online, this particular Pope had a single paragraph that would cover all but a 1/4 page. Their excuse for this vague data was that the only history they had of him was from negative reports of his opponents. So of course it was considered fictitious and thereby omitted. Sadly, this is a common reaction from within this church. As long as I have been sharing with Catholics the last 40 years, the grand majority that are taught to distrust historical or even biblical truth always seem to dismiss it as easy as the Vatican prelates do. They figure that ANY negative reports no matter how well verified must be a lie. And by the way, I know of this “faith” first hand. I was Catholic 29 years and I to was “taught” (indoctrinated) to have a blind trust in only the priests and nuns.

So yes, the Catholic websites will omit any info on this pope. However, they did seem to mention the fact he was allowed the sacred burial of a pope regardless. In other words, he has been buried in St Peter’s Basicilla in a place of honor and high respect like all the other popes before him. Including the overwhelmingly evil ones I am mentioning here.

  1. Pope John XII(955 – 964) is described in the Catholic encyclopedia as “a coarse, immoral man.” The Catholic collection of the lives of the Popes, the “Liber Pontificalis” said: He spent his entire life in adultery.” Catholic bishop Luitprand states that “he had no respect for single girls, married woman or widows – they were sure to be defiled by him.”

In researching this Pope on Vatican approved sites, I found the following…

 “On 6 November (964) a synod composed of fifty Italian and German bishops was convened in St. Peter’s; John was accused of sacrilege, simony, perjury, murder, adultery, and incest, and was summoned in writing to defend himself. Refusing to recognize the synod, John pronounced sentence of excommunication (ferendæ sententia) against all participators in the assembly, should they elect in his stead another pope.” –Catholic Encyclopedia

Then on February 26 of 964AD, Pope John XII held a synod of his own in St. Peter’s in which the decrees of the synod of November 6 were repealed! How convenient! If you’re a Pope, and someone that has evidence against you steps up, even if it’s 50 men, just excommunicate them and move on to have what they brought forward annulled and struck from existence.

By the way, the Vatican still holds this pope in high standing to this day. Thing is, his evil ways did eventually catch up with him.  He died on May 14, 964AD, eight days after he had been, according to rumor, stricken by paralysis in the act of adultery.

One more thing on this pope… Cardinal Bellarmine of the 17th century was a great defender of the papacy but he considered John XII and all the others to be abominable. Nevertheless, he wrote in his book De Romano Pontifice“The Pope is the supreme judge of faith of morals…If the Pope were to err by imposing sins and forbidding virtues, the church would still have to consider sins as virtues and virtues as vices… 

Does this not bring to mind a quote I shared before in many of my newsletters? The Vatican openly declares that if they choose to define something holy, even though you know it to be evil, you must agree it’s holy if the Magistrate defines it as such. Case in point is the following statement by the founder of the infamous Jesuit order himself. He literally said in writing that “…we should always be ready to accept this principal: I will believe that the white that I see is black, if the hierarchical Church defines it as such.” –By Ignatius de Loyola The Spirit Exercies of St. Ignatius, p. 141

Is it out of line to call this brainwashing / indoctrination? No, I don’t think so.

3.Pope Boniface VII (984 – 985), John XII and Leo VIII were described by the Bishop of Orleans as “monsters of guilt, reeking in blood and filth.”

For some reason this Pope’s records are missing all together from certain Vatican web sites. I could find nothing that would agree or disagree with his reign of terror. In fact, the list goes from Boniface VI to Boniface VIII without any explanation for the missing Pope at all! Perhaps he was far too much an embarrassment to retain? So… they omitted his entire pontificate?

  1. Pope John XV(985 – 996) split the churches finances among his relatives and was described as “covetous of filthy lucre and corrupt in all his acts.”

Researching further, this is yet another pope who’s evil past seems to have been erased from certain Vatican approved websites. There is record of his existence, however no mention of his evil lusts are recorded in any form that I can find. All you I was able to find was nothing but well thought out positive reports about him.

  1. Pope Benedict IX(1033 – 1045) committed murders and adulteries in broad daylight, robbed pilgrims, and was regarded as a hideous criminal by all. The people drove him out of Rome: The Catholic encyclopedia says, “He was a disgrace to the chair of Peter.”

Now I will admit I am a bit surprised at the research I dug up on this pope. The Vatican sites were a bit truthful in regards to this one. They did repeat that he was a disgrace to the papacy, but they stopped short there. Not a single mention of his evil reign as a pope, or his crazed activities were mentioned in the slightest.  However, they did manage to speak of him in the same light they would any other pope. So, why did they admit him evil and then praise him anyway? It has to do with the true nature of the beast. Truth is, the word, “Babylon” means “to mix.” They mix truth with error just as much as they mix curses with blessings. As many years as I have been doing this research I have come to expect this of Rome.

  1. Pope Innocent III(1198 – 1216) promoted the Inquisition, surpassing all his predecessors in killing over one million people.

Here we have one of the most evil popes in the history of mankind. I have no doubt they called him “Innocent” so as to cultivate a false seed of trust in the minds of their church family. This is a man that surpassed all his predecessors in killing over 1 million Christians in his short 18 year reign of terror, and the Roman Catholic Vatican approved websites start off their historic dissertations regarding this madman by saying he was, and I quote… “One of the greatest popes of the Middle Ages –Catholic Encyclopedia

Historic fact remains he was a murderous and highly satanic man. Yet modern day Roman Catholic leaders herald him as a leader worthy of emulating to this day! It seems Pope Innocent’s followers are trying to live up to his wonderful leadership! And they have the audacity to name him Pope “Innocent?”

You think this strange? Don’t. For Rome truly does look at killing “heretics” as a blessed and wonderful act worthy of praise. Mr. Raywood Frazier, in the booklet “Catholic Words and Actions,” presents documentary proof of the intensive persecution of Protestants and non-Catholics in Columbia, South America, between 1949 and 1953. The Catholic Church had the support of the Columbian government in the destruction of many churches, and the liquidation of more than 1,000 documented cases — some of whom were shot, drowned, or emasculated. He says there is evidence of over 60,000 killed. Pope Pius XII awarded the President of Columbia with one of the highest awards which the Church bestows, and praised Columbia for its example of the Catholic faith.” (Pp. 59,60)

Just so you know, Pope Pius XII was Hitler’s Pope.

“The Catholic Church has persecuted … when she thinks it is good to use physical force she will use it Will the Catholic Church give bond that she will not persecute?… The Catholic Church gives no bonds for her good behaviour.” –Western Watchman, Dec. 24, 1908

Keep in mind that THIS IS IN WRITING! They don’t deny it. And soon the Vatican will have ALL its (fleeting) power returned unto it and the killings will once again become commonplace as prophesied. And yes, you will also see MANY obedient Christians go to their graves 100% willing. “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. ” -Philippians 1:21. As the remnant church knows, it is a far better thing to die for Christ then to live a moment for Rome!

  1. Pope Boniface VIII(1294 – 1303). The Catholic encyclopedia states “Scarcely any possible crime was omitted – heresy, gross and unnatural immorality, idolatry, magic, simony … his whole pontificate was one record of evil.” Dante visited Rome and described the Vatican as a sewer of corruption and assigned Boniface VII, Nicholas III and Clement V to the “lowest parts of hell.” He proposed to be an atheist, and in 1302 issued the “Unum Sanctum” officially declaring the Roman Catholic church as the only true church, outside of which on one can be saved.

The Vatican approved sites not only listed these charges, but they also claimed historians have proven them false! Of course they did not list the so called historians names that proved this false, or their so called evidence. Not one single solitary line of proof was shared on any site. But then, for most Catholics who have blind faith in the Popes and prelates, if their Pope says it’s not true, they believe it no matter how big the mountain of evidence proves otherwise. Praise God that not all Catholics will do that as Revelation 18: 1-5 confirms.

The simple mention of that lie seems to be all the Vatican deems necessary to do. Yet when we stand before some of them to share truth about these Popes, they not only require proof, they claim it is bogus when we do supply it. The real sad thing here is, most Catholics will believe their leaders lies over the proof an outsider brings forward simply because we are outsiders in their eyes. Even if it is undeniable proof, they choose to ignore it for what their leaders say without proving it. Pray for them, they truly are in grave danger!

  1. Pope John XXII(1316 – 1334) was accused by 37 clergy witnesses of fornication, adultery, incest, sodomy, simony, theft and murder. It was proved by a legion of witnesses that he had seduced and violated 300 nuns. He kept a harem at Boulogne of 200 girls. He was publicly called the devil incarnate. He has been called the most depraved criminal who ever sat on the papal throne.

One would think the Vatican would at least make mention of some evils this Pope committed. However, all record of this man’s decadence were completely erased from mainstream Vatican sites for fear the faithful Catholic would get wind of it.

Thing is, their stupidity in covering this stuff up only serves one purpose to the genuine seeker. Once they investigate this stuff, and find that it has been covered up, they will leave this church more readily than if they were allowed to know about it first hand. Truth is, Rome can’t hide all their records anymore. There’s simply too much info out there now. This is the reason the Pope came forward in March of 2000 with his mea-culpa apology. He knew that authentic records are eventually going to surface in places all over the world, especially since the Internet came to be. So the public relations ploy was to fess up to try and save face. Well I say, too little… too late guys. They are leaving in droves as we speak praise God.

  1. Pope Pius II(1458 – 1464) fathered many illegitimate children and taught others to do likewise.

Here the Vatican sites state he only fathered “two” illegitimate children. Why you ask? Common sense… some of them could still have descendants alive today. As always, it is better to admit to the lesser crime here simply because odds are against any of them coming forward anyway. And if any do, they can claim they already admitted it long ago, and so it’s a done deal. But if the real number of children was brought forth, it would be such a graphic admission that Rome would have to admit more evils then they are comfortable with. Admitting to “two” at this point is a win win situation. Even if more than two appear, what are the odds two will surface in the same part of the World so many generations later? So.. they figured.. they can merely say he fathered two children out of wedlock just in case one of the hundreds of possible descendants come forward from the probable dozens of illegitimate children at the start.

  1. Pope Paul II(1464 – 1471) maintained a house full of concubines.

As usual, all mention of any evil this pope committed was omitted from the Vatican approved websites. Surprised? No.

Well.. This went on a little longer than I anticipated and so I will finish the last 10 “man of sin” facts in part 2 of this blog. (You can see a condensed version of this list in a video here)

Dividing a Nation to Control the People



How many of us have seen the videos of people attacking their fellow citizens simply because they choose not to wear a mask or for voting for Trump? Those choosing not to wear a mask are not actually breaking any laws, and those voting have the right to do so. But the leftist media in bed with Rome are spreading all sorts of lies about everything from the massively fabricated deaths from Covid so as to cultivate fear in billions (as prophesied) to lies about Trump and anyone that voted for him. And did you notice, even though Trump is no longer president, the media still does everything they can to make those that voted for him worthy of hatred and persecution. But as I  will soon illustrate, there is a method to their madness. (Pun intended)

But first, here’s something I find very annoying. And this is why back in the 1970’s I would put my head down and go to sleep in my high school History class. Even as a young man I had a desire to research things as it was and still is something I enjoy doing. Everything from how weather patterns formed around tornadoes to end time prophecy and everything in between. In my studies I often came across historic data because in order to study prophecy you really need to know your history. Later as a teenager when I finally entered high school I realized the classroom history books of the 1970’s did not match up to the encyclopedias and reference books I was reading all along. And so I put my head down and slept through the entire class the entire year. Which was bound to happen as I often stayed up way too late anyway.

So why is this annoying to me? What we see happening now in the media with the masks, the vaccines and antiTrumpers is to purposely make us hate and then attack each other so as to set the stage for what’s really planned. What I mean is, if you studied real history you know this is exactly how Roman Catholic Emperor Adolph Hitler came to power over the Jews. But the school books have been changed and next to no one knows what’s happening has happened before. But, because a woman made this very point publicly on Instagram the other day, Lucasfilm fired her for letting the truth out, Check this out…

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” –Source

The girl obviously did her homework and because she told the truth, she was fired and then of course censored to prevent the truth from spreading, for they know knowledge is power. Basic reality is, anyone with desire for history or even eschatology wherein historic record is matched to prophetic fulfillment, we know the history books have been changed so as to prevent people from knowing how the Vatican was able to use Hitler to do as he did during the holocaust. They purposely created a propaganda storm designed to make the Jews hated by all their neighbors, friends and even family members. (Brownshirts) They even made most people that knew them quite fearful that they would be persecuted or killed by the Nazis if they didn’t turn in their neighbors.  

The nation was purposely moved into a frenzy by the Vatican and as expected, this is what we see happening right now in the USA and many other nations. The Pope is orchestrating all of this directly from Rome as was done in Hitler’s day. Have you seen my videos proving the Pope has met with all political leaders and CEO’s the world over? And if you do your homework you will find that when the hatred and fear did its expected work on the sheeple, Hitler stepped in with his bloodthirsty Nazi soldiers and did exactly what all the propagandized and brainwashed people wanted him to do with the Jews so as to make their lives easier. Looking forward to when the people of God are surrounded at the end of plague 6 wherein the one hour with the beast is fulfilled, one can see why Satan did as he did in Esther’s day as well as how he used his man of sin in Rome to fine tune his methods of attack throughout history so that when the final attack on the obedient remnant of which Satan hates the most, the Pope will have the tools he needs to better orchestrate a world-wide death decree against God’s people. Christian prophecy is that accurate! 

Now, for those seeking video proof that there is a Vatican propaganda storm that is an echo of Hitler’s atrocities, check out this short stack of videos out of thousands all over the Internet.

What’s really sad about all this is that all of what’s happening today was in fact prophesied to the letter. Yet because nearly 100% of every preacher, pastor and minister out there have joined hands with the first and second beasts of Revelation in their 501c3 contracts that uplift the Vatican as well as created an image of the Vatican beast. In so doing, both scenarios of demon worship can be put in place all over the world. Most will join hands with the beast system itself of course, and those that do not want to associate with the Pope, they will join hands with the beast’s image in all the Protestant churches. The church leaders of today see no danger in any of this because they cannot see what the obedient remnant people see. And rightly so. For the only way to understand prophecy is to obey the God that wrote it.

And for those that understand Spirit of Prophecy in its unedited format, I echo these words that describe what the pastors, ministers and priests will do in the coming days when we go forth with the truth that Satan is right now trying to build a campaign of confusion against. When we go forth to declare Sunday laws are in fact the mark of the beast, it is clearly stated in Spirit of Prophecy volume four that “The popular ministry, like the Pharisees of old, are filled with anger as their authority is questioned; they denounce the message as of Satan, and stir up the sin-loving multitudes to revile and persecute those who proclaim it.” {4SP 424.1}

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Progressive’ Church: The Bible Isn’t ‘Infallible’ or Even the ‘Word of God’ (Satan’s running scared) * Chinese Officials Admit Food Supply ‘Under Pressure,’ Urge Country to ‘Stabilize’ * China Boasts of Military Buildup While Pushing ‘Dialogue’ with U.S. * VIDEO: WATCH: United Airlines Flight with Engine Failure Lands Safely * VIDEO: Texans See Electric Bills as High as $17K Following Winter Storm * Rep. Turner says Biden’s Iran policies threaten Mideast peace, abandons U.S. allies * Protesters out again in Myanmar, police use water cannon in capital * ‘They want to live forever. They want to be gods’ * Cable TV now axing Christian programs – like mine * America’s insurrection against God * Network pulls plug on major Christian ministry for carrying Christian message * Columbia professor: I do heroin regularly for ‘work-life balance’ * VIDEO: Three volcanoes simultaneously erupt in Guatemala * In the Second Cold War, Religious Americans Must Lead the Way * China Betrays Its Deal with the Vatican (Some mocked when I said they struck a deal in 2018 – what say ye now?) * Pope Francis scheduled to meet with Ayatollah Sistani (More proof, the “war on terror” is 100% political) * UAE to Open Temple of Three Abrahamic Religions in 2022 (the prophesied worldwide ecumenical movement guided by Vatican II – see this too) * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago: At Least 18 Shot over Weekend * One Shot Dead, Others Injured in American Legion Attack * St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Biden Could Make Gun Control Dreams Come True * Missouri County Ordinance: Sheriff Can Arrest Feds Who Enforce Gun Control * VIDEO: Suspect Accused of Assaulting Woman in NYC Released Without Bail Hours After Arrest * Exclusive: ICE to Release Migrants Further into U.S. — Away from Texas Border Cities * VIDEO: Biden DHS releases migrants into Calif * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: VIDEO: Inspector’s warning sparks outrage * Nolte: Only 17% of Trump Supporters Believe Joe Biden Legitimately Elected * VIDEO: Scalise: Coronavirus Bill a ‘National Disgrace’ Being Pushed by Far Left — ‘Nothing to Do with COVID’ * 25 Hedge Fund Managers Made $32 Billion in Pandemic * Roman Catholic U.N. Chief Guterres Warns ‘White Supremacy’ Is a ‘Transnational Threat,’ * Gretchen Whitmer Contradicts Message of Support for Michigan Businesses by Sending Mailer Printed in, Sent from Wisconsin * Joe Biden’s DHS Protects Most Illegal Aliens with ‘Sanctuary Country’ Orders * Big Business Lobbies Biden to Import Foreign Workers as 17M Americans Remain Jobless * VIDEO: Suspect Accused of Assaulting Woman in NYC Released Without Bail Hours After Arrest * VIDEO: WATCH: Farage Slams Coca-Cola for Alleged ‘Try to Be Less White’ Staff Training * Obama Official: More Than One Million Migrants to Hit Border This Year * Exclusive: ICE to Release Migrants Further into U.S. — Away from Texas Border Cities * SCOTUS refuses to hear Pa. election lawsuits * N.Y. assemblyman Ron Kim calls for Gov. Cuomo’s impeachment * 3 Supreme justices: 2020 election practices could have ‘catastrophic’ consequences * VIDEO: City changes zoning, then wants to evict homeowners * McDonald’s execs will have bonuses cut if they hire too many white men for top positions * No proof Jan. 6 was an ‘armed insurrection’ * SPLC reclassifies black separatist movements because they were ‘born out of valid anger’ (In other words, if you’re black, you’re not racist – if you’re white, you are) * News host: ‘Joe Biden is struggling with dementia’ and media helping to hide it * Evidence shows Iran violating nuclear deal Biden wants to rejoin * Cop fired, allegedly supplied BLM protesters with intel on other officers * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Harvard launching app to help students find inclusive bathrooms * Roman Catholic Priest Sex Abuse List * University tells staff to replace ‘mother’ and ‘father’ with gender-neutral terms * Amazon deplatforms book on transgenderism by conservative author without explanation * ROME’S PEDOPHILE FRUIT STILL RIPE: Roman Catholic Priest Sex Abuse List * VIDEO: Young children are being taught ‘utterly inappropriate’ content * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: Stephen Moore: Biden’s ‘Climate Change’ Policies Erase U.S. Energy Independence, Lock Down Trillions in Natural Resources * ‘There’s no room for B.S. anymore’: John Kerry gives world just 9 years (We know what you’re up to John – you already failed) * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: Analyst explains what Biden’s $4 trillion tax hike will do (He will obey his Pope) * How union-friendly legislation would kill women’s workplace advances * VIDEO: City changes zoning, then wants to evict homeowners * Biden’s COVID policy, politically, ‘is economic policy’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: Kevin Sorbo on Facebook Blacklisting: Zuckerberg Has More Power Than Our Government * Cable TV now axing Christian programs – like mine * America’s insurrection against God * Network pulls plug on major Christian ministry for carrying Christian message * ‘Media’ have turned into ‘wanton propagandists‘ * Amazon deplatforms book on transgenderism by conservative author without explanation * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: VIDEO: Cats And Dogs NONSENSE! * VIDEO: Coronavirus: Victoria records no cases as protesters march * VIDEO: Scalise: Coronavirus Bill a ‘National Disgrace’ Being Pushed by Far Left — ‘Nothing to Do with COVID’ * 25 Hedge Fund Managers Made $32 Billion in Pandemic * Report: Maskless Super Bowl Revelry Did Not Lead to Coronavirus Outbreak * VIDEO: Psaki Dodges Questions on Cuomo’s Leadership Amid Nursing Home Deaths Investigation * STUDY: Fan Attendance at NFL-NCAA Games Did Not Increase Coronavirus Spread * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Biden’s COVID policy, politically, ‘is economic policy’ * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Pope blasphems Christ again – but, our Lord is still in control * Baltimore Ex-Con Activist Suggests Paying Criminals Not to Kill * DANGEROUS FLASHPOINT’ War between US and China ‘more likely than EVER’ as nuclear superpowers clash over Taiwan * Actress: Aborting my baby made my life ‘a million times better’ * Pastor jailed for holding church services amid pandemic restrictions * Nearly a third of Americans want to break up the United States into like-minded countries: Poll  * VIDEO: Bat-wielding thug beats bicyclist unconscious on Brooklyn street — and nearly every bystander just watches or walks on by like it’s nothing (Some did however find a way to record it with their cell phones – what a sick sick world!) * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Montana Legislature Considers Domestic Terror Designation for Antifa * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Lobbying Analyst: Democrat immigration bill a ‘political exercise’ (Bowing to Rome makes them $$$) * POWERFUL VIDEO: Antifa militant says he was paid $70K by CNN, NBC FOR Ashlii Babbitt video * Report: Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Refused to Help Find Bill Clinton Tapes Because It Would Hurt Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Run * Joe Biden Calls Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Day Six of Winter Storms (Texas wants to secede as they did before – and so Biden will make life rough for them) * Blue State Blues: The Whole of 2020 Was a Left-wing Insurrection * ‘Two Inch Man’ Offered Priority Coronavirus Shot in NHS Records Mix-Up (LOL – Oh the incompentace) * Washington Post: Joe Biden’s Progressives Abolish ICE Protections by 80 Percent * Biden Plan Brings Deported Illegal Aliens Back to U.S. to Get Amnesty * Migrants on the move again in Mexico and Central America (Why? They’re pro-Catholic voters by majority) * Biden withdraws Trump’s restoration of UN sanctions on Iran (Rome wants to nuke Israel) * Iran Deal Part Two: Blinken Tells Europeans Biden Ready to Negotiate With Tehran * Satellite Images Show Illegal Chinese Construction in Philippines During Pandemic * VIDEO: School Board Members Caught Mocking Parents Urging Reopening of Schools: ‘They Want Their Babysitters Back’ * VIDEO: De Blasio: I ‘100%’ Believe Cuomo Threatened Dem Assemblyman, ‘That’s Classic Andrew Cuomo’ * Voters NOW believe Joe Biden is a ‘puppet’ of the far-left * Prominent leftists respond to Rush Limbaugh’s death with flood of gleeful hate (Disgusting!) * ‘Legislative bribery’ returning to Congress under Democrat control * Conservatives launch battle against Democrats’ ‘dark money’ operations * Biden excuses China’s human rights abuses, concentration camps, as ‘different norms’ * Biden recommits to amnesty for 22 million illegal aliens (That’s a LOT of Catholic votes) * Book promoting transgenderism pulled from elementary school * Racist principal/professor calls for full white abolition * Ohio Health Dept. ​segregates ‘vaccine town halls’ by race; only option for white folks is a ‘rural’ town hall * SDA APOSTASY: Oakwood University is Seeking $100,000 to $250,000 a Year in State Money to Run Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics for the Government * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Book promoting transgenderism pulled from elementary school  (One can only wonder how many children were affected by this book) * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: VIDEO: Roman Catholic John Kerry: ‘We Have Nine Years’ Until Climate Crisis — ‘There’s No Room for B.S. Anymore’ * Climate activist James Murdoch clocks in with $2.2 million in personal jet trips * Facebook now ‘arbiter of truth’ on ‘climate change‘ * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: Venezuela turns to privatization after being bankrupted by socialism * Biden excuses China’s human rights abuses, concentration camps, as ‘different norms’ * AOC mad that Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan isn’t socialist enough * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: Facebook news ban to ‘profoundly’ impact regular Australians and media outlets * VIDEO: Government Will Stand Firm After Facebook Bans Australian Media * Aussie PM Scott Morrison Claims Global Support in Fight Against ‘Arrogant’ Facebook * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Biden admin. struggles to explain why Fla., Calif. have similar COVID-19 numbers despite opposite responses * COVID Victim’s Sons Slam Cuomo for Consistently Lying, Mishandling Nursing Home Scandal * CDC: ‘Flu Activity Is Unusually Low’ this Year, 165 Flu-Associated Hospitalizations in Last 4 Months (But again, the mainstream media will ignore this and the Govt will keep destroying the economy)  * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: SDA Oakwood University is Seeking $100,000 to $250,000 a Year in State Money to Run Covid-19 Vaccination Clinics for the Government * Vatican Threatens to Fire Employees Who Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine * Senate GOP: Biden Amnesty Floods U.S. Workforce During Coronavirus Crisis * Pastor jailed for holding church services amid pandemic restrictions * Holocaust Survivor Irving Roth: ‘I Am Seeing Signposts on the Road to Auschwitz’ * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: They call it contact tracing – but we know Covid 19 is fake – They will use it to track weak Christians * State Dept. launches probe into deadly Erbil rocket attack (Biden wants war?) * Japan Embassy Warns Citizens of Paris Acid Attacks * France: Child Prostitution Increased 600 Per Cent from 2014 to 2020 * Millions remain in the dark in Texas as Midwest, South endure deep freeze (Please pray) * VIDEO: Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About ‘Modifying DNA and RNA’ * Afghan News Agency: Taliban Controls over Half of the Country (Suddenly? Or is this more political theater to sanction war?) * VIDEO: Winter weather death roll rises across US as tornado slams North Carolina * Dems want safety rules for chemical abortion discarded * VIDEO: Jen Psaki refuses to guarantee next COVID stimulus won’t fund abortions * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: BUSTED: CNN, NBC Paid Left-wing Capitol Rioter $35,000 Each for Footage of Violence * VIDEO: Graphic video captures the moment cops get in Wild West-style shootout with grocery store security guard * VIDEO: Family files federal lawsuit after out-of-state bounty hunters raid their NY home without a warrant, while police looked on * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Pa. State Rep. Frank Ryan: President Trump was right to call out voting irregularities in our state * VIDEO: Cartoon Network Releases ‘Anti-Racism’ Ad Teaching Children to ‘See Color’ (The silver lining is that Jesus is coming and all this idiocy will not be allowed in His Kingdom) * L.A. School Board Approves Plan to Cut Police, Shift Funds to Help Black Students * GOP Report: Secretary of State Blinken Founded Firm That Received Chinese Money for DOD Research-Linked Universities * Joe Biden Recommits to Amnesty for Illegal Aliens as 17M Americans Are Jobless * Scotland’s Oldest Museum Hires ‘Curator of Discomfort’ to Confront ‘White Supremacy’ * VIDEO: Biden: We Didn’t Have the Vaccine When We Came into Office * BUSTED: CNN, NBC Paid Left-wing Capitol Rioter $35,000 Each for Footage of Violence * Left-Wing Nation Essay Calls for ‘Blue-State Secession’ (KEY STATEMENT: “One scenario would thus be a negotiated reconstitution of the United States along more democratic constitutional lines,” THIS WAS PROPHESIED!) * Leftist arrested for riot at Capitol paid $70,000 by CNN and NBC * Support for brand-new, viable third party hits all-time high * VIDEO: Brewery owner says he caught health inspector dancing after ordering his business to close * VIDEO: Congressman calls for ‘a white nationalism task force‘ * Democrats’ new ‘War on Domestic Terror‘ (That means every conservatist is a terrorist) * Officials confirm Wuhan lab still eligible for U.S. tax funding * School sued for canceling coach who protested ‘extremist’ race studies * To fight racism, math teachers urged to accept Tik Tok videos instead of asking students to ‘show their work’ * Congressional budget office projects record deficits in coming years * Don’t say ‘aliens’: Biden admin instructs officials to use ‘inclusive language’ to describe people in the country illegally * RELIGION OF PEACE?  UK: Thug Qamran Ali Choked Chicken, Assaulted Woman, Stamped Child’s Face in Crack Rampage * Militia Suspected of Iran Ties Takes Credit for Iraqi Kurdistan Bombing, Injury of U.S. Soldier * Accidental Blast During Bomb-Making Class Kills 30 Taliban Fighters * VIDEO: Iran-Backed Militia Accidentally Bombs Chinese Consulate in Iraq * HORROR OF VACCINES: VIDEO: Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About ‘Modifying DNA and RNA’ * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: VIDEO: Biden using climate change as an excuse? * Global Warming Activist Matt Damon Flies Private Jet to Film Marvel Movie ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ * VIDEO: Could churches do more to fight climate change? * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: China Overtakes America as European Union’s Top Trading Partner (The Pope has no clue that even his sins will be shouted from the rooftops as well) * Inflation Surprise: Producer Prices Jump More Than Expected (Biden Economics) * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: Project Veritas: Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concern About ‘Modifying DNA and RNA’ * Report: Hasbro Stops Making Gina Carano’s ‘Star Wars’ Action Figure (Why? See this video) * VIDEO: Police send late-night ‘Gestapo to intimidate’ mom for Facebook remark (Thought Police!) * VIDEO: UK gov’t condemns ‘the creeping culture of censorship’ and issues new policies to strengthen academic freedom * RELIGIOUS (CATHOLIC) LAWS ARE COMING: VIDEO: Could churches do more to fight climate change? * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Fauci, who praised N.Y. for ‘correctly’ responding to COVID, says he ‘can’t’ comment on Cuomo scandal * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: VIDEO: They call it contact tracing – but we know Covid 19 is fake – They will use it to track weak Christians * Health officials say the coronavirus will likely become endemic in the next several years. What does that mean? * VIDEO: Morrisons Want Exempt To WEAR YELLOW STICKER (Remember the yellow stars Hitler used?) * VIDEO: Do As We Say Or Else! * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: The Truth of It | Victoria to Criminalise Christians * VIDEO: There is a growing ‘madness right across the world’ * Japan residents speak on magnitude 7.3 earthquake (Soon quakes will hit WITHOUT being mixed with God’s mercy) * Over Two Million Texans Lose Power During Winter Storm, Rolling Blackouts Continue * Half of Texas Wind Turbines Freeze, Hurting Electricity Output (Global Warming? LOL) * ‘Biological dominance’: China allegedly goes dark to create ‘master race’ of ‘super soldiers‘ * VIDEO: ‘Transracial’ Rachel Dolezal whines that she can’t get a job * Felon allegedly carjacks teenage​ girl 20 minutes after being released from jail * Guinea confirms Ebola resurgence after 3 die from deadly disease, declares new epidemic (3 deaths is NOT an epidemic, but then neither are the supposed 2 millions deaths from Covid) * VIDEO: Oklahoma activates National Guard as temperatures plunge * VIDEO: Pope calls our Creator a LIAR * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Nolte: Democrat-Run Minneapolis Forced to Spend $6.4M to Hire More Cops * Democrats Hire Ex-Gang Member to Lead Efforts in Protecting Slim House Majority * Biden Policies Force Release of 200 Migrants into West Texas Border Community * Allen West: Joe Biden’s Release of Thousands Migrants Is ‘an Imminent Danger’ to Texas * Analysis: Biden Restrictions on ICE Agents to Devastate U.S. Border Towns * Texas Sheriff: ‘Clear Evidence’ Illegal Immigration Soaring Under Joe Biden * Biden’s DHS to Release 25.6K Migrants into Texas, California Communities * Lawmakers asked to pull plug on U.S. city’s ‘surveillance state’ * Portland cops pelted with ‘icy snowballs,’ police say * VIDEO: Protesters create large snow barrier outside precinct to prevent Seattle cops from responding to emergencies * VIDEO: Watch: Trump Lawyers Present Video of Democrats Condoning Violence * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: VIDEO: Austrian WWII Survivor’s Warning to America Is CHILLING * Rep. Mike Johnson: Impeachment Was About Democrats Framing 75 Million Trump Supporters as Capitol Hill Rioters * VOICE: Scwheizer: Biden, Harris Families Have ‘Cultural History’ of ‘Cashing in’ on Family Name — ‘Semblance of Entitlement’ * VIDEO: Dershowitz: ‘Cancel Culture Is Quickly Becoming American Culture’ * Trump’s brand-new path to White House? Become House speaker, impeach Biden (It appears this theater will not end til Plague #7) * Smoking gun: Comey signed FISA after casting doubt on dossier (Yet he still walks free) * Bang! Biden pulling trigger on much tougher gun laws * Court allows sunshine on police forfeiture program * House Democrats Ignore Their Warning And Approve Minimum Wage Hike,despite the CBO saying that Biden will cost 1.4 million jobs * VIDEO: Cop plays Beatles’ ‘Yesterday’ while cellphone camera records him, presumably to trigger copyright claim so clip is blocked * SDA APOSTASY: The Adventist Church, the SDA Reformed Churches, the Shepherd’s Rod and the Independent Ministries Received over $75 Million in Tax-payer Money * HORROR OF VACCINES: VIDEO: Katie Price’s Son Rushed To Hospital After Jab * AMA INSANITY: VIDEO: ‘Breastfeeding isn’t Natural, and it makes moms anti-vaxxers’ (And these are the pediatricians people trust with their babies?) * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex * VIDEO: The Truth of It | Victoria to Criminalise Christians * The pope says God made gay people just as we should be – here’s why his comments matter * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: VIDEO: New video shows massive scope of California box-ship traffic jam * Evidence the stock markets are ‘rigged‘ (The rich are packing their coffers before causing a crash?) * House Democrats Ignore Their Warning And Approve Minimum Wage Hike,despite the CBO saying that Biden will cost 1.4 million jobs * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: Dem Rep. Jacobs: ‘Truth Commission’ Needed on Racial Injustice to Establish a Common Narrative * Latest on plans to criminalize ‘hate speech’ in homes (The joys of Alexa, Siri and Cortana) * Blackout of Cuomo nursing-home cover-up scandal during MSNBC, CNN primetime * School superintendent in hot water for saying Black Lives Matter is a ‘political’ movement * University blocks research of transgenders who regret switching sex * VIDEO: Cop plays Beatles’ ‘Yesterday’ while cellphone camera records him, presumably to trigger copyright claim so clip is blocked * RELIGIOUS (CATHOLIC) LAWS ARE COMING: Sean Penn Fails Theology 101: Pro-Trump Evangelicals ‘Should Be Impeached by the Vatican’ * Biden resurrects faith-based White House office to combat racism, political polarization * Catholics Locate the Change of the Sabbath Back With the Apostles (They’re lying PROOF) * The Massachusetts Catholic Conference is Urging its State Legislature and Governor to Adopt the Common Ground Contained in Laudato Si’ * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: BOMBSHELL PROOF! VIDEO: Hot mic at White House Press Briefing – Covid is a normal flu! * Pollak: Joe Biden’s School Policy Exposes His Fraud on ‘Science’ * VIDEO: DeSantis: ‘No Basis in Reality’ for Coronavirus Domestic Travel Ban; Joe Biden Is a ‘Lockdowner’ * ANOTHER Mayor who traveled after telling you to stay home claims trip was ethical * Blackout of Cuomo nursing-home cover-up scandal during MSNBC, CNN primetime * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: CDC recommends putting panty hose over your face along with mask (They are literally trying to kill sick people – Hitler would be proud!) * CDC makes decision on negative-coronavirus test before you fly (No need – FOR NOW) * Pope seeks ‘Copernican revolution’ for post-COVID economy * Why Vaccine Passports Are ‘Inevitable,’ Explained By Tony Blair * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: RAW: Aerial footage of deadly pileup crash in Fort Worth, Texas involving up to 100 vehicles * Myanmar police fire rubber bullets, wounding three, as hundreds of thousands protest * Feminists Torn: Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood Now Major Player in Transgender Industry * ‘Mass casualty incident’ unfolding on Texas highway as more than 100 cars pile up because of icy roadways, trapping people in vehicles — UPDATED * VIDEO: Amazon reveals Plan to Build ‘Tower of Babel’ opposite US Capital * California bill would force insurance companies to fund ‘free’ abortions * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: VIDEO: Texas mom tackles man suspected of peeping through her daughter’s window (Not a mom to mess with!) * RACISM & CORRUPTION IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Democrat candidate praises Hitler for courage, economic prowess * Biden cuts off emergency military funding for border wall, calls Trump’s declaration ‘unwarranted’ * Biden family business dealings raise ethical questions (This has been the norm for decades and so it proves, nothing will happen) * Gov. Cuomo aide reveals N.Y. state withheld nursing home COVID-19 death data * VIDEO: President Trump’s speech from Jan. 6 proves he called for peace, despite Dems’ false accusations (DUH) * DHS Releases at Least 2K Border Crossers into U.S. In 10 Days * Open Borders Lobby Urges Joe Biden to Consider Freeing Nearly Every Illegal Alien in ICE Custody * VIDEO: Scalise: U.S. DOJ Needs to Investigate Cuomo over Nursing Homes * VIDEO: Rubio: Biden Administration Proposal to Limit Florida Travel ‘Clearly Unconstitutional’ — ‘They’re Trying to Punish Florida’ * Andrew Cuomo’s Aide Admits NY Hid COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths to Avoid Federal Investigation * VIDEO: 15 Liberals Who Compared Conservatives to Nazis But Weren’t Canceled for It * Connecticut Democrats Want Insurance Companies to Subsidize Healthcare Coverage for Low-Income Residents, Illegal Migrants * No Americans Wanted: Rural Employers Seek More Visa Workers from Amnesty Deal * Report: Joe Biden Order Prevents ‘Arrest, Removal of Nearly All’ Criminal Illegal Aliens * VIDEO: ABC’s Moran Proclaims a Threat of Domestic Terrorism ‘Based on the MAGA Movement’ * VIDEO: Schiff: GOP Has Become a Trump Cult with No Ideology or Principles * VIDEO: Jen Psaki Claims ‘Border Is Not Open,’ Admits Biden’s DHS Is Releasing Migrants into U.S. * Columnist shows 5 times Biden ‘openly urged violence’ * University hosts whites-only ‘caucus’ that requires participants to sign nondisclosure agreement * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Nickelodeon’s ‘Blue’s Clues’ Brings LGBTQ Message to Alphabet: ‘P Is for Pride’ * Feminists Torn: Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood Now Major Player in Transgender Industry * Australian province criminalizes prayer for sexual orientation change (Psalms 59:8) * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: VIDEO: Greta Thunberg catastrophising climate perhaps ‘driving force’ in eco-anxiety * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: VIDEO: Cancel Culture seeks to erase western tradition to pave way for socialism * Paying the Price for Lockdown: UK Economy Suffers Biggest Drop in 300+ Years * Job Creators Network Foundation Launches Campaign Exposing ‘Amazon’s Plot to Kill Small Businesses’ * ‘That Would Kill Us:’ US Movie Theater Owners Sound Alarm on Biden WH’s $15 Minimum Wage Hike Plan (Only mega biz like Amazon can handle pay hikes – Mom and Pop will close) * 9 million small businesses — nearly one-third of all in US — fear they won’t survive 2021  * Democrats favor jobs for Visa workers over U.S. graduates * ROME’S CASHLESS SOCIETY: VIDEO: Is Rome behind “anonymous” on YT? This video pushing a digital dollar suggest they are (I wonder if my comment on their video is still up?) * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: WSJ Fact-Checks the Fact-Checkers on Biden Family Business * WILL THIS WORK? ‘One platform for all’ to counter Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (Time will tell) * Gab founder says he’ll no longer do interviews with ‘pagan’ media * YouTube kills LifeSite’s channel, every video completely gone * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte Lifts Statewide Mask Mandate * VIDEO: Rubio: Biden Administration Proposal to Limit Florida Travel ‘Clearly Unconstitutional’ — ‘They’re Trying to Punish Florida’ (the LOCKDOWNS proved to make people sick) * DISHONEST NY Times Pretends All Anti-Vaxxers Are ‘Far-Right’ * Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600% * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Gov. Cuomo aide reveals N.Y. state withheld nursing home COVID-19 death data * Social Distancing, Masks Could Be Enforced Till End of Year: Report * Paying the Price for Lockdown: UK Economy Suffers Biggest Drop in 300+ Years * CDC: Wear Masks ‘Anytime You Are Indoors or Outdoors with People You Don’t Live With’ * UC Berkeley Institutes Police-Enforced Lockdowns, Bans Outdoor Exercise (Banning outdoor exercise confirms it’s NOT about Covid) * Michigan Pushes Contradictory Mask Rules for Winter Sports Return * UK COVID police state: Draconian requirements, 10 years in prison if caught avoiding the law * Biden mulls domestic travel restrictions despite improving COVID backdrop * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!

PROOF – Socialist Global Government to enforce the MARK



Back in 2011 I created a page on my website called “Vatican’s Socialist Agenda” wherein I share prophetic Scripture and a few articles proving the Vatican is planning to create a global socialist society wherein they can have all the control they need to put forth religious laws on a global basis. And why religious laws? Notice how every time the beast or his mark is mentioned in prophecy the word worship is right there with it.

  • Revelation 13:12, “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
  • Revelation 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
  • Revelation 14:9, “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,”
  • Revelation 14:11, “And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

Back when Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict was still in power, the evidence proving they needed a socialist format was rather sparce. I had to dig what little I found. But when pro-homosexual Jesuit Pope Francis came to power, I no longer had to do any deep digging at all anymore. All I needed to do now was my regular daily research knowing all sorts of articles were going to be popping up all over the place to the point that in just a few short years I now have nearly 400 articles proving the Socialist agenda was in fact a done deal.

But it wasn’t until the 2016 campaign for president that the floodgates opened. Many politicians in bed with Rome started to lean towards Socialism and especially when an American Senator who was a dyed in the wool Socialist tried to get on the ticket, his popularity exploded among the young people because the teachers indoctrinated them in the Government schools. When the politicians saw how the young were leaning in that direction, Socialism became THE hot topic across the board.

If you’re a student of prophecy you know they cannot enforce the mark unless they have absolute control over the people under a worldwide Socialist format. The easiest red flag to visualize if how in a Socialist society the governments control all property right down to most personal items as well.

And so why am I sharing all this? Just the other day I was sent a video that summarizes the plans laid out on the World Economic Forum’s website. Not only does this video confirm the global government we have been warning people about is in fact a done deal. Not only does the World Economic Forum declare this New World Order will be Socialist in nature, it proves as we have been saying for some time now that they plan to do this by the year 2030. (Also see this 5 min video) Check this video out! VIDEO: 8 predictions for the world in 2030


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: Do you see what almost everyone else sees? * UK: Nurse Arrested Trying to Remove Her 97-Year-Old Mother from Care Home * Lawsuit: At Least 21K Dead People on Pennsylvania Voter Rolls * Japan Shuts Down All but One Nuclear Reactor for Anti-Terror Protections * Justice Department investigating vote fraud * Washington voters approve comprehensive sex ed with Referendum 90 * Congress launches investigation after U.N. accused of selling out dissidents to China (The Roman Catholic run UN is placing people in danger that speak out against Islam) * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Companies join exodus to suburbs as cities transform into ‘ghost towns’ * RELIGION OF PEACE?  France: Algerian Jailed for Killing a Woman and Trying to Bomb a Church in Paris * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: U.S. officially withdraws from Paris Agreement on climate change (One of many reasons they want Trump out) * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Twitter Censors 6 Trump Posts in 24 Hours * Facebook Censorship: Platform Will ‘Temporarily Demote’ Posts that Share ‘Election Misinformation’ * New York Times Praises Twitter and Facebook for Design Changes to Aid Censorship * VIDEO: Ted Cruz Blasts Twitter for Censoring Video Alleging Philadelphia Voting Corruption * Facebook Censors Grassroots ‘Stop the Steal’ Group with 300,000+ Members * Liberal Pressure Groups Urge Twitter to Ban Trump * Pollak: Seven Kinds of Election Interference, from Fraud to Censorship * ABC, CBS, NBC Cut Away from President Trump’s Live Remarks on Election * Twitter censors Trump declaring victory in Pennsylvania, Michigan * London grinds to halt with 1,200 miles of traffic jams, thousands flee before lockdown * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Swathes of Italy Locked Down Again After Being Deemed Coronavirus ‘Red Zones’ (They can lie and say any city is dangerous with ease now. In the USA, watch how E.O. #11004 guarantees this) * British woman threatened with police visit for not downloading corona-tracking app * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: London grinds to halt with 1,200 miles of traffic jams, thousands flee before lockdown (They know the first lockdowns didn’t work, the second just proves it’s government seeking individual takeover) * COVID testing: We’ve been duped * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: China makes shocking claim about Jesus; rewrites Bible * VIDEO: DC Protester Says She Will ‘Wipe xxxxxx xxxxx’ with Bible (Obviously possessed) * School district retroactively changes policy to justify ban on ‘Jesus Loves Me’ mask: lawsuit (‘Black Lives Matter’ and sports logos allowed on masks, though) * Oregon First State to Legalize Psychedelic Mushrooms in Therapeutic Settings * Oregon voters decriminalize possession of meth, heroin, cocaine * VIDEO: Priest removed over photos and accusations of sex, drugs, weapons * A church in Rome has over 3,000 skeletons on display. They give a chilling—but hopeful—reminder about death (Remember this gruesome video?) * ‘Extremely disturbing’: Montana woman gets 50 years in prison for selling 5-year-old girl for sex * VIDEO: Extremely dangerous Hurricane Eta forecast to make landfall in Central America * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: VIDEO: Leftists Burn U.S. Flags During Election Night Protests * VIDEO: Protester Assaults Videographer in DC * VIDEO: Protesters Get Violent with Baseball Bats in DC * PHOTOS: Los Angeles, Beverly Hills Board up in Anticipation of Election Results * National Guard Reports to Chicago to Prepare for Potential Election Unrest * GWU Warns Students to Stockpile ‘Food, Supplies, Medicine’ for Elections * Police make arrests as anti-Trump ‘resistance’ hits streets * ‘People always talk about a civil war’: Business owners preparing for riots * Ready to rumble? Piles of bricks suddenly appearing in U.S. cities * University offers whites-only space for students to learn how they oppress nonwhites * PTL: Louisiana voters: No constitutional right to abortion * RACISM IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Jemele Hill Blames ‘White People’ if Trump Gets Reelected ‘No One Else’ * Exit Polls Ranked Race, Policing Far Below Economy, Disease * Computer-science department offers new class on race and gender * HORROR OF VACCINES: $66,000 fine and 5 Years in Prison if you refuse the Covid Vaccine ($66,600.00 for a coporation and $13,320 per individual) * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Joe Biden’s Delaware Elects First ‘Transgender’ State Senator * Computer-science department offers new class on race and gender * Catholic university faculty upset that school criticized gay marriage * Judge charged with sexually abusing child was a church leader who ‘had sleepovers with boys’ * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Analysis: Twitter Censorship Dramatically Cut Trump’s Engagement on Election Night * Google Is Still Erasing Breitbart Stories About Joe Biden from Search * ‘Democrats have become enablers of corporate speech controls’ * High school forces student to remove pro-Trump face mask, allows pro-Biden masks: warning letter * Twitter’s ‘living internet’ killing free speech * School district retroactively changes policy to justify ban on ‘Jesus Loves Me’ mask: lawsuit (‘Black Lives Matter’ and sports logos allowed on masks, though) * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: $66,000 fine and 5 Years in Prison if you refuse the Covid Vaccine ($66K for a coporation and $13,320 per individual) *  Italy Imposing Night Curfew, Other Coronavirus Restrictions * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Mandated Vaccinations, Get Ready To Say “NO!” * Officers shut down street preacher, then pay him compensationVIDEO: Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election (They’re planing a COUP!) * 55% of Americans believe 2020 Election Day will be most stressful day of their lives! * Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath they sold aborted-baby parts * Oregon voters to decide on decriminalizing heroin, cocaine and LSD * U.S., 30+ other nations sign prolife declaration * (This will upset those with a pro-choice desire to kill their own children) * Congress considers sale of F-35 jets to Arab nations * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: NYPD Arrests 11 After Cops, Anti-Trump Protesters Clash in NYC * Flight From the Cities: Single Family Home Construction Spending Soared September * Report: Four Philly Council Members Sought Police Budget Cuts During Week of Looting, Rioting * Murders Surge 51 Percent in Mayor Lori Lighfoot’s Chicago * ‘I Will Not Cower’: PA Candidate Sean Parnell Reports Home Vandalized with Communist Imagery * ‘I’d be lying to you if I said I wouldn’t be worried’: American cities on edge * Progressives sharpening knives for Dem ‘bloodbath’ if Biden loses * City ordered to release records on ‘unconstitutional home inspections’ * RACISM IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Another prof resigns for pretending to be non-white * Senators: U.S. colleges reverting to segregation (They have no choice, the leftwig media indocrinated the youth to become racist) * RELIGION OF PEACE?  Middle East expert: U.N. ignoring Iranian sleeper cells in U.S. * 2nd radical Islamist attack rocks France, Jewish community on high alert * HORROR OF VACCINES: Storing medical information below the skin’s surface (The bioluminesence ink they use is called Luciferase) * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: Marco Rubio to Trump Rally: ‘Not All Democrats Are Socialists, But All Socialists Are Democrats’ * Kamala Harris Promotes Socialism Two Days Ahead of Election: ‘Equitable Treatment Means We All End Up at the Same Place’ * VIDEO: Kamala Harris echoes Karl Marx in campaign video * Archbishop warns Trump of ‘Great Reset’ plot to advance globalism * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Obama administration wins Jefferson Muzzle award for restricting free press (Just a reminder as to how this all started 6 years ago) * VIDEO: Facebook banned this ad * VIDEO: CNN refuses pro-Trump ad on Biden raising taxes, becomes only news network to declare it ‘false’ * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Germany Re-Enters National Lockdown, to Last Four Weeks * England’s Coronavirus Lockdown Could Last Until Next Year * Pope Slams People that Know Lockdowns are all a Political Lie * Matteo Salvini: Italians Get Lockdowns, Migrants Get ‘Open Ports’ * New York Gov. Cuomo ends coronavirus quarantine list, requires travelers to get tested instead (Since we know Covid is fake, could it be they want to quarantine certain people they know will speak out?) * Michigan governor: Up to 6 months prison if businesses don’t surveil customers * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Antifa member infected with coronavirus hands out food at Portland popsicle party: report (They know the numbers are too low) * Why COVID statists always move the goalposts * VIDEO: State health official announces daily COVID deaths while dressed in clown costume (They’re mocking those that know this is all a joke!) * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Why is the Chinese military training on Canadian soil? * Survey: Fans View NBA as an ‘Overt Political Thing…Not A Sport’ (just like the maskvaccineclimate change etc) * 1.7 million without power as Zeta batters Gulf Coast * Typhoon Molave: Landslides kill at least 19 after heavy rain in Vietnam * Taiwan buying U.S. missiles, making plans to repel Chinese invasion * Twitter users attack little girls congratulating Amy Coney Barret * Britain Is Turning Into a Totalitarian Police State, Warns Top Lawyer Lord Sumption * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: Walmart Removes All Guns, Ammo in Anticipation of Post-Election Civil Unrest * Former George Mason Prof. Says Americans Should ‘Topple’ Govt if Trump Wins (Just so you know – Civil War was Prophesied) * Report: 10 Shot, Two Killed, on Wednesday Alone in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago * Texas May Deploy National Guard in Advance of Possible Post-Election Unrest * ‘Enough of this’: Limbaugh offers solution to stop riots * Philadelphia PD ordered officers not to arrest rioters, looters * ICE: Court order forces release of 250 immigrants with ‘serious convictions and charges’ * Los Angeles & DC Businesses Brace for Election Day Chaos, Board Up Windows * RACISM IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: U. of Wisconsin-Madison Student Government Votes to Remove ‘Racist’ Abraham Lincoln Statue (wait -what?!) * ‘Racism Lives Here’: Trump Supporters Targeted in Coronado with Rogue Yard Signs * Cartoon Network Releases Ad Teaching Children How to Be ‘Anti-Racist’ (But the adults are the problem) * VIDEO: Watch: Black Woman Describes Anguish of Her Boutique’s Destruction by Philadelphia Looters (But I thought black lives mattered?!) * ‘Soaked in suffering’: Christian leaders complain of ‘white supremacy pandemic’ * VIDEO: Black Man Filmed Being Kicked Out of Restaurant for Wearing Sneakers While White Patrons in Sneakers Are Left Alone * RELIGION OF PEACE?  Islamo-Fascist’ Terror: Three Dead, Several Injured After Church Attack in Nice, France * French Teen Arrested for Praising Beheading of French Teacher * Ex-Prime Minister of Malaysia: ‘Muslims Have a Right to Kill Millions of French People’ * India Scolds Muslim World for ‘Unacceptable Personal Attacks’ on France’s Macron * ‘Allah Akhbar’: Man With ‘Handgun’ Shot Dead Just Hours After Nice Terror * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: In an attempt at inclusivity, Tampax tweets that men get periods, too — and it backfires spectacularly * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: Biblical worldview giving way to socialism among young evangelicals * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Glenn Greenwald Resigns from The Intercept, Claims Editors Refused to Publish Biden Criticisms * VIDEO: Joe Biden Campaign Cuts off Nevada TV Reporter After Two Questions * Twitter Warns Breitbart Reporter over Violating Pakistani Law with Mohammed Cartoons * Analysis: Conservative Wikipedia Editors Six Times More Likely to Face Sanctions than Leftists * Pakistan Govt Demanded Twitter Take Down Images of Tribute to Beheaded Teacher * Report: U.S. Border Chief Mark Morgan Locked Out of Twitter Account for Border Wall Post * VIDEO: McEnany: Twitter’s Dorsey a ‘Mob Artist’ for Censoring Hunter Biden Story — ‘What Happens in North Korea’ * Government threatens prosecution of ‘hate speech’ in homes (How will they know? Alexa, Siri, Cortana or your cell phone) * Egypt president claims freedom of expression ‘stops’ when Muslims are offended * VIDEO: ‘How Do You Maintain a Democratic System When Reality Itself Has Been Banned?’ * RELIGIOUS (CATHOLIC) LAWS ARE COMING: Trump Sparks A Rise In ‘Patriot Churches’ * VIDEO: Conservative Christians Seen As ‘Obstacle to Progress’ by Leftists Pushing America Into ‘Soft Totalitarianism’ * Biblical worldview giving way to socialism among young evangelicals * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Germany heads back into second lockdown in response to spike in COVID-19 cases * UK Police Chiefs warn cops ‘will break up Christmas dinners’ if families breach rules (How will they know? Alexa, Siri, Cortana or your cell phone) * Zimbabwe: Women Forced to Turn to Prostitution as Lockdowns Batter Failing Economy * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED:  China Disappears Mother Protesting Faulty Chinese Vaccines * 12 graphs show mask mandates don’t stop COVID * ‘Soaked in suffering’: Christian leaders complain of ‘white supremacy pandemic’ * ‘War against the coronavirus’ primarily an information war * Dr. Scott Atlas demolishes Joe Biden’s COVID lockdown claim * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!


Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: Viral Video Of Thirsty Squirrel Asking For Water Melts Hearts (I just wanted to share:) * China Continues Religious Repression While Inking New Deal with Vatican * State Department: China’s goal is ‘to fundamentally revise world order‘ * Satanic Protester Dumped Blood All Over Christian Preacher at Washington Prayer Event * Human-Pig Hybrid Created in the Lab – Here Are the Facts * Security Guard in Lightfoot’s Chicago Allegedly Stabbed After Asking Sisters to Wear Masks * VIDEO: Man Allegedly Dump’s Pregnant Girlfriend’s Body on Queens Expressway * VIDEO: ‘Ballot chaser’ caught bribing and changing votes * Tennessee school district bans ‘homosexuality is a sin’ shirt while allowing gay pride symbols: lawsuit * VIDEO: ‘Ballot chaser’ boasts she got $55,000 to flip 5,000 votes for Biden (Actual video) * VIDEO: Man Plummets Into Sinkhole As He Waits For Bus, Finds Horror Below * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: VIDEO: Philadelphia police arrest 91 people during violent riots after shooting of armed Black man; 30 cops hurt * Report: ‘Looters Shooting Looters’ in Mayor Kenney’s Philadelphia * VIDEO: BLM Protesters Target Jews in Philadelphia While Yelling ‘Synagogue of Satan’ * Ilhan Omar to Teen Vogue: We Need to ‘Get Rid of’ the Minneapolis Police Department * REPORT: Philadelphia Police Leader Orders No Response for Burglary, Theft Calls During Riots * Looters Flood Philadelphia Area Walmart After Breaking Pipes * National Guard in Philadelphia Nowhere to Be Found as Second Night of Mass Rioting Begins * VIDEO: Protesters Torch U.S. Flag on Pile of Burning Trash in Brooklyn * UK Police Confirmed They Stopped Drivers Leaving Lockdown Wales * VIDEO: BLM, Antifa Fight Over Who Should Lead Philadelphia Protest (Soros needs to fire them) * VIDEO: Family Dollar Store Destroyed in Philadelphia Protests * VIDEO: Looters Pillage Philadelphia Walmart — Steal Big-Screen TVs (This is the only way “masks are effective) * VIDEO: Protesters Assault Reporter Filming BLM Looting in Philadelphia * VIDEO: Car Drives into Line of NYPD Cops During Protest, At Least One Officer Wounded (It appears the police attacked first and the driver fled for life) * DHS agencies preparing for potential riots surrounding Election Day * ‘A green light to crime’: Major U.S. city considers excusing poor and mentally ill people from criminal charges * RACISM IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Security Guard Ignored Ariana Grande Concert Bomber ‘For Fear of Being Branded a Racist’ * Prof: Referring to famous composers by only their last names is ‘white supremacy’ * RELIGION OF PEACE? VIDEO: Palestinian Islamic Scholar Warns Muslim Armies Coming to ‘Crush Paris’ * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Man Living as Woman Targets Canadian Beauty Pageant for Not Allowing Him Entry into Contest * 13 Year-Old ‘Gender-Creative’ Boy: ‘Gender Is Over’ * ROME’S PEDOPHILE AGENDA: 13 Year-Old ‘Gender-Creative’ Boy: ‘Gender Is Over’ * POPE’S PROPHESIED CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA: Humans, not climate change, blamed for 96% of mass extinctions among mammals * ROME’S SOCIALIST AGENDA EXPOSED: VIDEO: Proof: Socialist Global Government to Enforce the MARK * A Former Venezuelan Government Operative Works for Facebook * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: VIDEO: Election Interference: Google Suppresses Breitbart News in Search – Even with Exact Headline * Marsha Blackburn Calls Out Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Suppression of Breitbart News * ‘Joe Biden Corruption’ Trends on Google – But Google Whitewashes Autocomplete Suggestions * Facebook and Twitter CEOs Can’t Name a Leftist They’ve Censored * Facebook Political Ad Blackout Suffers Glitches * A Former Venezuelan Government Operative Works for Facebook * U.S. senator scorches Twitter for censoring bombshell Biden report * VIDEO: Hunter’s ex-business partner drops bombshell on Joe Biden and family (Most Networks Censored This) * Nearly half of university students OK with censoring speech * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Security Guard in Lightfoot’s Chicago Allegedly Stabbed After Asking Sisters to Wear Masks * SUNY Students Must Test Negative for Coronavirus Before Going Home for Thanksgiving * NYC mayor asks residents to avoid traveling out of state during holidays * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: Study: Over 1 in 4 Coronavirus Deaths in China Linked to Pollution * North Dakota Officials to Put Unused Federal Virus Funding into Oil Production, Education (Then why are they saying “a second wave” is coming?) * Lack of common travel protocols could cost world trillions of dollars * The Great COVID Lie * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:

SIGNS OF THE TIMES: VIDEO: VIDEO: Australian Women Forced Off Qatar Airways Flight and (Forced) Strip-Searched * Charity Launches Asylum Petition for Pakistani Christian Girl Forced to Convert to Islam * Robot weapons raising concern for Congress * State court allows spy operations by police using license plate readers * Gunmen storm school in Cameroon, killing at least 6 children * Expert’s stunning conclusion: China’s killing Americans ‘deliberately’ (With Fentanyl) * U.S. Supreme Court turns away religious bias claim against Walgreens (Walgreens fired an SDA for refusing to work on Sabbath – The Lord allowed this as he was working in a Pharmacy) * Ezekiel 7:23GET OUT OF THE CITIES: At Least 24 Shot, 6 Fatally, over the Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago * Looting, Vandalism After Leftists Win Chile Election to Destroy Constitution * VIDEO: ‘Shove Your New World Order Up Your ***!’ – London Erupts in Protest Against Lockdown * VIDEO: Protesters Target Suburbs in Washington State * VIDEO: BLM Demands Allegiance from Shoppers, Diners in Affluent Suburb * Americans are panic-buying military & survivalist gear 2 weeks before election * RACISM IN POLITICS – TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Andrew Cuomo Accused of Antisemitism Again After Threat to Cut Money to Jewish Schools * Jewish Family Traumatized by Pepper-spray Attack on ‘Jews for Trump’ Caravan * VIDEO: ‘Jews for Trump’ Caravan Rolls Thru New York City; Punches, Rocks Thrown * ‘Junior Scholastic’ tells middle schoolers America is ‘systemically racist’ * RELIGION OF PEACE? UK Child Abuse Inquiry Refuses to Investigate Pakistani Grooming Gangs * Charity Launches Asylum Petition for Pakistani Christian Girl Forced to Convert to Islam * Muslim World Rises Against French Crackdown on Radical Islam * ROME’S HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS SPREADING: Election Stakes Are ‘Extremely High’ Say Transgender Activists (They need Roman Catholic Biden to win – The Pope just proved that) * Court to review new definition of ‘woman’ * Venezuela’s Maduro, citing Francis, asks congress to consider same-sex marriage (He already did) * ‘Ridiculox:’ Campus campaign for gender neutrality goes off deep end * Catholic leaders issue sharp warning on pope after he embraces gay unions (Won’t change a thing. – they answer to him, not the other way around) * ROME’S WAR ON FREE SPEECH: Christian, Family Groups Condemn Wikipedia Banning Statements Against Gay Marriage * Election Interference: YouTube Runs ‘Fact Check’ on Searches, Not Just Videos, About Biden and Fracking * VIDEO: Ron Paul talks Big Tech censoring conservatives * New Jersey mayor opens food boxes, removes and replaces Trump letter with his own * USING CORONA VIRUS HYPE TO ROME’S MOB COMPLIANCE ADVANTAGE: Hillary Clinton: I Was ‘Born’ to Handle the Coronavirus Pandemic (Well, she is the one that said “Never waste a good crisis“) * CORONAVIRUS HYPE EXPOSED: COVID-19 death rates have drastically fallen among all age groups * Atomic bombshell: We have proof that Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017 * Facebook Tries to Shut Down NYU Study on Targeted Political Ads * VIDEO: Israeli anti-corona nasal spray stops 99.99% of infections * Want the INSIDE INFO on what the Bible says will happen next? GET THIS BOOK!