Shocking Articles for the Week (ending 04-24-24)

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Indian Supreme Court Considers Ruling that Watching Child Pornography Is Not a Crime

What we see happening in India is the very reason I was moved by the Lord to create two pages on my website many years ago.

#1, Is the RCC & SEX page that confirms the prophecy of Daniel 11:37 has been fulfilled by the Vatican prelates confirming they are the largest known organized group of homosexual pedophiles on the planet with designs to legalize homosexual marriage as well as pedophilia. Fact is, with both perversions legalized it lowers the dollar amount on thousands of lawsuits, and even dismisses some cases as well. Fact is, this is still and ongoing issues for the Vatican as their priests have never stopped molesting the children as this “abuse tracker website” confirms. But, as we also know, the Vatican has somehow been able to gag the media on all new cases lately making it appears as if all is well. The fact we have numerous documented causes still being discovered on a regular basis, yet never any media announcement on any of them speaks volumes on how well their agenda to legalize pedophilia is going.

#2, Is my Rome’s Prophesied Homosexual Agenda Newsletter wherein I have (*had) literally thousands of articles proving all that prophecy said since I started the list back in 2004. I also share how before Rome can legalize pedophilia they must first legalize and then normalize homosexuality to the point homosexual marriage actually helps them out of this mess.

What I mean is, before homosexual marriage was legalized by Obama, you had lawsuits that are very putrid and offensive to even talk about. But with homosexual marriage now the norm, they opened the door to a bevy of perversion to be watered down and added to the laws of the land wherein the powers that be can accept and even allow for some leeway on such disgusting things to be disgust in courtrooms as “protected lifestyles” that go directly against the Creator God as well as soils His image. 

Rome had no choice but to push the homosexual agenda forward so as to help them out of this looming financial disaster. Since the Roman Catholic scandals regarding the vulgar and sickening act of child molestation, I have noticed a political blitzkrieg in the media regarding homosexuality the last few years and especially when America’s first Muslim president Barack Hussein Obama stepped in to help them. Articles on almost every topic concerning the homosexual lifestyle have flooded the media so much so, they are right now normalizing homosexual drag queens entertaining children in schools!

And thanks to the contractual power behind the government’s long prophesied 501c3 contracts that every apostate pastor has signed onto due to their lust for filthy lucre, all of them fear losing their idol of tax-free status by refusing to do as they are told. And so, Rome’s agenda is once again assured to move ahead unobstructed.

For those doubting the Vatican is behind this, think on this prophesied fulfillment. As I stated earlier, the Vatican is the largest known group of homosexual pedophiles on the planet. In fact, 98% of the Vatican priesthood was recently outed as being homosexual! That being a confirmed fact for today’s world, who in your mind do you think would benefit most by legalizing and then normalizing both homosexuality and pedophilia worldwide?

*I said I “had” thousands of articles on my page about Rome’s Prophesied Homosexual Agenda; but as one can see, it appears “someone” may have hacked that page and removed the internal links of literally thousands of articles and videos. I say “may have” as I am still looking into this. It may have been an issue on my end when that happened as well; but, in either scenario, it’s no big deal because the HEADLINES to each article or video is still intact.

I have also placed many other articles from other pages unto a new ARCHIVE PAGE because whoever or however this happened, also “happened” on other pages as well recently.

So, if you’re in need of any of the articles that had their links removed on that page, rest assured, I usually post the complete headline per each link so that even if the link was ever compromised, moved by the author, archived by same, or simply hacked, all one needs to do now is copy the HEADLINE they’re interested in on those pages and then post it on any search engine to get to the original article.

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