Archive for the ‘unbelievable’ Tag

Shocking Articles for the Week (ending 05-01-24)

NOTICE: Before clicking any poGm links in this post, be aware that for 21+ days my main website has been under attack. The links will either be very slow or down. PLEASE PRAY the one doing this repents.

VIDEO: Russell Brand announces baptism after months-long spiritual journey: ‘Taking the plunge’

The above video is on “The Christian Post” which as any serious and obedient Christian knows is not actually known for true Bible Christianity and so right off, we can expect something strange is afoot here. Stranger still; it wasn’t just “the Christian Post” that shared this as a Christian event. 

As odd as all this may seem, that of course being someone from Hollywood having a “voice” on a Christian website, stranger still is that when you listen to this Hollywood actor / comedian Russel Brand describe his version of Christianity, you hear him literally describing it as a mix of Buddhism and something Stoic philosopher of Rome named Marcus Aurelis would approve of. He even spoke highly of Catholicism to boot, and is ok with this?

In these last days wherein Rome’s ecumenical movement that’s designed to merge Paganism with Christianity is clearly in its final stages of cultivating the long prophesied love affair with another Jesus, this is to be expected as a blessed event by the blind while at the same time a prophesied fulfillment by those with eyes that see.

Satan is using Hollywood, politicians and the many apostate pastors Jesus described as “many false prophets” in Matthew 24:11 as a way to popularize “another Jesus” that all the scared sinners in the world will seek for comfort that see the signs of the end around them, or as Brand said; “many are returning to Christianity because the world is crumbling.” Problem is, and as also prophesied, they are in no way “returning to Christianity” at all.

The people that clamor after such things are those that refuse to give up their sin, while at the same time desiring to be called Christians to hide their shame. Therefore, this “new and improved Jesus” first introduced by the Popes of Rome centuries ago will be an easy “god” to trust and worship for the lukewarm Christians because as we already know, the Catholic Jesus allows everyone to be saved IN their sins instead of FROM their sins, and in these last days wherein the pleasures of the flesh are prophesied to be the main desire of most alive at this time, that is VERY popular!

As I share on a fairly new site I made last year called “He won’t get us;” we see Satan using all sorts of Isaiah 4:1 type believers to entice many into the “new and improved” versions of Christianity so as to make as much money as possible. Literally; the false revivals like “He Gets Us” and the other popular movement sparked into the mainstream at Asbury University in Kentucky, not to mention the Roman Catholic version of Jesus in “The Chosen” movies that advertise in ways God would not approve of and they even made a movie promoting a homosexual drug addict that died of AIDS (Lonnie Frisbee) who claimed to be a Christian prophet / healer in the 1960’s so as to boldly illustrate how sin is no longer a problem for the true God of the Bible.

In short.. if you can’t tell we’re in the final days before Christ returns it’s only because you’re not studying His Word daily.

AND.. did you see this?

The Vatican actually created an A.I priest who literally said “I am as real as the faith we share.”

After lifting my jaw off my desk, it came to mind that this has to be the most truthful thing I ever heard from the Vatican to date! Seriously, Catholicism is just as unbiblical and just as unreal as is an A.I. priest!

Shocking Articles for the Week (ending 04-24-24)

Check this out!
Indian Supreme Court Considers Ruling that Watching Child Pornography Is Not a Crime

What we see happening in India is the very reason I was moved by the Lord to create two pages on my website many years ago.

#1, Is the RCC & SEX page that confirms the prophecy of Daniel 11:37 has been fulfilled by the Vatican prelates confirming they are the largest known organized group of homosexual pedophiles on the planet with designs to legalize homosexual marriage as well as pedophilia. Fact is, with both perversions legalized it lowers the dollar amount on thousands of lawsuits, and even dismisses some cases as well. Fact is, this is still and ongoing issues for the Vatican as their priests have never stopped molesting the children as this “abuse tracker website” confirms. But, as we also know, the Vatican has somehow been able to gag the media on all new cases lately making it appears as if all is well. The fact we have numerous documented causes still being discovered on a regular basis, yet never any media announcement on any of them speaks volumes on how well their agenda to legalize pedophilia is going.

#2, Is my Rome’s Prophesied Homosexual Agenda Newsletter wherein I have (*had) literally thousands of articles proving all that prophecy said since I started the list back in 2004. I also share how before Rome can legalize pedophilia they must first legalize and then normalize homosexuality to the point homosexual marriage actually helps them out of this mess.

What I mean is, before homosexual marriage was legalized by Obama, you had lawsuits that are very putrid and offensive to even talk about. But with homosexual marriage now the norm, they opened the door to a bevy of perversion to be watered down and added to the laws of the land wherein the powers that be can accept and even allow for some leeway on such disgusting things to be disgust in courtrooms as “protected lifestyles” that go directly against the Creator God as well as soils His image. 

Rome had no choice but to push the homosexual agenda forward so as to help them out of this looming financial disaster. Since the Roman Catholic scandals regarding the vulgar and sickening act of child molestation, I have noticed a political blitzkrieg in the media regarding homosexuality the last few years and especially when America’s first Muslim president Barack Hussein Obama stepped in to help them. Articles on almost every topic concerning the homosexual lifestyle have flooded the media so much so, they are right now normalizing homosexual drag queens entertaining children in schools!

And thanks to the contractual power behind the government’s long prophesied 501c3 contracts that every apostate pastor has signed onto due to their lust for filthy lucre, all of them fear losing their idol of tax-free status by refusing to do as they are told. And so, Rome’s agenda is once again assured to move ahead unobstructed.

For those doubting the Vatican is behind this, think on this prophesied fulfillment. As I stated earlier, the Vatican is the largest known group of homosexual pedophiles on the planet. In fact, 98% of the Vatican priesthood was recently outed as being homosexual! That being a confirmed fact for today’s world, who in your mind do you think would benefit most by legalizing and then normalizing both homosexuality and pedophilia worldwide?

*I said I “had” thousands of articles on my page about Rome’s Prophesied Homosexual Agenda; but as one can see, it appears “someone” may have hacked that page and removed the internal links of literally thousands of articles and videos. I say “may have” as I am still looking into this. It may have been an issue on my end when that happened as well; but, in either scenario, it’s no big deal because the HEADLINES to each article or video is still intact.

I have also placed many other articles from other pages unto a new ARCHIVE PAGE because whoever or however this happened, also “happened” on other pages as well recently.

So, if you’re in need of any of the articles that had their links removed on that page, rest assured, I usually post the complete headline per each link so that even if the link was ever compromised, moved by the author, archived by same, or simply hacked, all one needs to do now is copy the HEADLINE they’re interested in on those pages and then post it on any search engine to get to the original article.

Shocking Articles for the Week (ending 04-17-24)

Have you seen this video titled, “Who is organizing this ‘hate America’ movement?”

What we see happening will normalize hate. And as prophesied this hate will be cultivated and targeted against obedient Christians. And when I say obedient, I mean Bible believing Christians who not only declare Jesus Christ is Lord, they also keep His Ten Commandments exactly as prophesied in Revelation 14.

Take note that directly after sharing the three angels’ messages in Revelation 14:6-11 that warn people about how the churches and the truth proclaimed by them has been changed so as to ready billions into receiving the mark of the beast, verse 12 speaks of those that don’t get the mark and why. When speaking of these obedient Christians Revelation 14:12 says, “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.”

Think about that statement for a moment. In the very last days, just a handful of years before plague #1 begins, there will be a group of Christians that refuse to bow to Roman rule that demands they break God’s law so as to keep the Vatican’s admitted man-made sabbath so as to prevent the calamities they claim were brought on by climate change that the Bible stated were the final warning signs in nature of Christ’s return. 2000 years after Jesus ascends to heaven Satan cooked up a plan to target God’s law by claiming it was abolished at the cross, and especially the area of His law that holds the seal of the living God so as to replace worship of God with worship of himself. And because most trust the “many false prophets” they call pastors, as prophesied, billions of Christians will soon blaspheme the Holy Ghost so as to keep what I refer to as the “Seven C’s.” These poor souls will give up eternal life in heaven so as to keep their 1. Candy bars 2. Cars 3. Careers 4. Cell Phones 5. Credit 6. Creeds & 7. Comfort intact.

We now see that the final stage has been set even though there are still very many denying the prophecy that says people in America will hate and want to kill Christians soon. Yet these very same people no doubt thought Americans chanting “death to America” on US soil would be a treacherous thought for any American to think could happen, yet, that day has come in Dearborn Michigan. But then, most with eyes that see saw that coming years ago thanks to Islam moving in via the Pope’s plan.

In short, hate must be normalized so as to cultivate the bloodthirsty mindset in the coming months that escalates in biblical proportions. In fact, this is why I penned the warning on my “Hating the Christian” page back in 1999.

Sooner than most that prefer the comfort of their couches will expect, when this hate goes off the chart to the point the long-expected death decree, or “one hour with the beast” as prophecy calls it is lobbied and passed, this hate will boil over so fast many will die even before the authorities can respond. But this hatred will especially erupt like lava out of Krakatoa on steroids after those angry lukewarm Christians wake up one day with boils all over their bodies wherein Satan then cultivates a thirst for blood to the point the authorities quickly legalize the deaths of every obedient Christian and then a date will be set for them to die. But as also prophesied, and to the embarrassment of all those condemned souls who falsely thought Jesus was their Lord; not a single obedient Christian will die before, during or even after that date which is set by the man of sin in Rome. However, the billions that hated the obedient Christians? They will die in a very graphic manner when plague 7 hits. Not only is Christian prophecy that accurate. IT CANNOT BE CHANGED.