Archive for the ‘Executive orders’ Tag

Gen. John Kelly Takes Command of White House Staff   1 comment

"Gen. John Kelly was sworn into office at the White House Monday morning, taking the position of White House chief of staff. The ceremony was closed to the press, but photographers were called in afterward to mark the occasion. When asked for comment, President Trump said Kelly was “fantastic” and would do a “spectacular job” in his new position. Later in the morning, Kelly and Trump met with the president’s entire cabinet." –Source

OK, this is just me thinking out loud, but let me run something by you that seems somewhat obvious to me. And by the way, and I am not kidding in any way when I say this, as I type this blog entry two black military helicopters literally armed with missiles on each side just flew over my home here in west central Indiana wherein here are no military bases out here in farmland. I wonder where they're off to? They were about 30 seconds apart from each other heading due south. And as you read this, you might find this rather ironic.

That all being said; have you see my videos regarding martial law and how sign after sign has been displayed by Washington D.C. in how they are readying their governmental powers so as to effectively enforce martial law so the Vatican's long prophesied socialist agenda for the American people can be easily implemented when the time comes for them to enforce the mark? Have you seen the one video in particular wherein the US Government sent MRAPS (tanks) to every municipality in the nation that would take them free of charge and the silly excuses for doing so? And most cities did in fact accept them freely as most police now are ex-military as we all know since they started advertising for ex-military when expanding their police departments and not all cops like this idea at all.

If you have been following the blog entries and watching the videos I have posted over the years you probably see what I see when it comes to how our police force has become militarized and their tactics much more violent. Not to mention how they have begun to display an obvious police state flavor across the board.  And all the talk of martial law and the prophetic facts surrounding such things confirm in the minds of many (with eyes that see) what's really going on out there. But were you also aware that this was something the Lord revealed decades ago even before the Internet blessed us with a way to declare the truth on a wider scale?

As some of you long term readers know, I was moved by our Lord decades ago to publish the Truth Provided Newsletter mostly on the street and with relatives which as you know was recently renamed the Seventh Day Remnant Herald. When I first got online back then I posted an old newsletter I had mailed out to subscribers years prior because I thought it needed to be shared to a wider audience due to its intense nature. Click here for that old Newsletter. Please excuse the generic format of that old newsletter as I simply copied it from the original format, deleted all the pics, and pasted it to HTML to get it out fast. Back then, I was just starting to convert some of my archived studies from Dbase to HTML and I didn't have a lot of time to pretty them up.

In that Newsletter I share a few things that are a bit shocking regarding some executive orders Roman Catholic President John F Kennedy set up before his Pope had him assassinated. Notice Executive Order #13010 that stipulates it turns the job of the Presidency over to the Military. Trump is not a stupid man by any means and he knows what's about to happen. Because of all that he wants to make sure he has a military man he can trust in the White House Chief of Staff position if this goes down during his administration.

And just so you know; don't think Trump's so called negative press and childish spat with the present Jesuit Pope is legit. Being a billionaire he no doubt had to meet with the Pope of the day when that CEO meeting went down in Rome. I have no doubt they played this silly game to make some with eyes that see prophetically to feel somewhat complacent in the lie that he is not in bed with Rome on his plans regarding the mark and so we have some time to sit back and relax. The fact he has a ton of Roman Catholics in his cabinet, a Roman Catholic VP standing by his side and now a Roman Catholic General as his Chief of Staff proves, like Vatican puppet and card carrying Muslim Barack Obama before him, who also had a Roman Catholic VP to keep him in line, Trump will do whatever Rome demands because if he fails the VP will step up to take his post of duty just as Lyndon Johnson did after Kennedy was shot.

One last thing to ponder. At the time of that 1997 Truth Provided Newsletter I was the IT guy for a national prison ministry who was just the computerizing their ministry. This man had many strange connections in the government and especially the prisons seeing how he was a prison ministry and one who frequented the correctional institution in his early years as a mob enforcer. Because of his connections he was privy to a combat arms survey that he shared with me back then that from what I assumed was never supposed to go public. The last question on that survey that I saw with my own two eyes stated the following…

Q#43- "I would fire upon U.S. citizens…"     (Place an "X" in space provided)
Strongly Disagree__ Disagree__ Agree__ Strongly Agree__ No Opinion__

One can only imagine how many of our military agreed. Now do you see why the Lord has been moving His obedient bride to get a lot more serious about their walk lately? And as those of you that attended last Sabbath's testimony service know, our Lord is VERY serious about His bride getting ready for His soon return. That being said, are you ready? ARE YOU SURE?!

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
VIDEO: Bible Studies in the White House! * Presbyterian Church USA Prays to Allah, Calls Muhammad a Prophet and Openly Bashes Israel * Sudan Orders Christian Schools to Operate on Sundays * VIDEO: Immigrants Brought Over as Slaves for megachurch, Report Says * Millionaire homosexual Activist Declares War on Christians With 3 Awful Words * VIDEO: Revolving doors go wild during Istanbul storm * VIDEO: Vicious consequences of illegal immigration * VIDEO: Pseudo-Scientist Bill Nye Gets Owned, Humiliated and Destroyed by Marc Morano LIVE on CNN * Scientists Use CRISPR to Edit Human Embryos * UN wants a universal digital ID for your data * VIDEO: Big pharma slapped with more opioid lawsuits * Muslims are OPENLY selling black African slaves on the slave market * Vatican court rejects motions to dismiss in hospital case * VIDEO: People Who Lost Their Life Due To Facebook * Gun-Controlled Chicago Exceeds 400 Homicides in 2017 * Pew: Most Americans Say Democratic Party Has Become Too Statist * WHAT?! Chicago Tribune Offended by DOJ’s Use of Term ‘Illegal Alien’ * U.S. flies bombers over Korean peninsula after North Korea missile test