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Top Rabbis: Unmistakable signs of Messiah coming   Leave a comment

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"During the conversation, Rabbi Kanievsky reportedly predicted the imminent coming of the Messiah, before the end of the year after the Shemitah. The Shemitah is a seven-year cycle which seems to correlate with dramatic events in history, as explained by messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in “The Mystery of the Shemitah.” Rabbi Sternbuch contested the timing, and said before the Messiah will come, the Christians and the Arabs will “come to Israel.” Rabbi Kanievsky added “all the non-fruit bearing trees in Israel will bear fruit,” meaning Christians will be learning Torah. Thus, the breach between Christians and Jews will be healed, as both communities turn to the study of God’s Word. Christians obviously believe the Messiah has already come in the form of Jesus Christ and what is being discussed is not His “arrival,” but His return. Nonetheless, several Christian leaders who have been prominent in the growing movement to reconnect Christianity with its Judaic roots welcomed the comments by these prominent Torah scholars." –Source

Can you see the ecumenical movement of Rome at work here? For Christian leaders to join in the folderol of the Jewish Rabbis who are vehemently against Jesus Christ is proof positive Rome is behind this one. But then the obedient people of God knew of this for centuries thanks to the Word of God we hold dear and study daily. The truth we shared over the decades fell on deaf ears for the most part yes, but that didn't make it any less the truth.

Those of us that study Scripture and especially the prophecies know that Rome would have to create the need for a "new Jesus" (as prophesied) that not only blurred the lines of truth, they would have to somehow get the gravely apostate Jews to do the same if this was ever to work. Seeing how they were able to get 1.2 billion to follow their lead in Roman Catholicism which is anything but Biblical, and then all the Sunday keepers and SDA churches to follow their lead as well, it wouldn't be too hard to get the Jews to feel vindicated enough in their denial of the true Messiah.

How did that work?

Just like lukewarm Christians fail to open Bibles, not all Jews read their Bibles either and so their main source of spiritual info is to look around at those that claim Jesus Christ is the Messiah. But when the message is tainted with lies, Catholicism and downright sinfulness, it's to be expected they (the Jews) will feel the need to look elsewhere. Worse yet, the Bible denying Christians then built up the Jewish mind so as to cultivate the mindset that makes them believe they are the "chosen people;" and I must say they have been doing that for my entire lifetime as far as I can remember, and this is all done besides the fact the Bible says otherwise.

As the article itself and basic reality across the board dictates, the Jews of today not only deny Jesus Christ is their confirmed long prophesied Messiah, they have openly and quite graphically declared their vile hatred for Him for the last 2000 years. Much of which was shared in Scripture. Plus, as the Biblical doctrine of "replacement theology" confirms, the Jews are not only unable to understand prophecy due to their denial of the Son of God and blatant disobedience to His Word. Biblical jurisprudence dictates that the true Israel, which according to the Old and New Testament facts are the obedient Sabbath keeping Christians of today in the Seventh Day Remnant churches as well as all others that obey the Lord as He prophesied they would in these last days, are the only ones that make up the elect of today. It truly is as Jesus said. It is by their fruits you can know them and today it's an easy task to see which side of the fence most stand. As close as we are to the end, most people have no issue proclaiming their loyalty. Be it for the eternal truth or the fleeting lies.

All I see with this unbiblical date setting and false prophetic utterances of Rabbis under direction of their admitted loyal leader in Rome as of 2007 and then later reiterated in 2013 when they agreed openly and by act of law to keep the Papal Sabbath holy is that they are simply following orders of the Pope to test the waters for the arrival of Antichrist.

And yes, the only reason I can see as to why Rome refuses to openly prophesy itself is because they know they have no clue and their dying god may not do as they hope and so they get their many political pawns to do the task for them instead. That way, if and when the timing is right, the prophetic agenda can be declared as if it's a prophecy and then Rome can stand supreme as Satan stands next to the Pope as the 'announced' Messiah.

As students of prophecy we know; you cannot trust the prophetic statements of Vatican prelates and you certainly cannot trust the Jews who hate Christ to wax prophetic. Truth is, nor can any Sunday keeping preacher or apostate SDA be trusted to have the blessing of prophetic utterance upon them when the Bible clearly states they must be obedient to the Lord to receive the promised fruit of prophecy. That being the case, when Rabbis and others in open sin make such claims, it further confirms the Scripture regarding the many false prophets for our day while at the same time confirms how close to the end we really are. As Rome knows (and hopes) eventually one of their vague prophetic statements may eventually come to fruition by constant repetition near the time of utterance out of sheer happenstance. After all, even a broken clock it right twice a day. So they will continue to claim to prophesy and they will continue to be exposed as false prophets all along. But eventually that great and dreadful day will come upon us all and the only ones that will be prepared for it will be those that are obedient to the Lord that splits that eastern sky from horizon to horizon. Maranatha!

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Posted July 21, 2016 by Nicholas in poGm Gloss

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