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Cultivating Scoffers of End Time Prophecy


What I am about to share is from a Truth Provided Audio Clip that I made back in May of 2003. I want to share it today because what I shared in this audio clip 20 years ago can be seen as the norm for today when it comes to how all the false prophets out there are doing all they can to cultivate billions of scoffers when it comes to end time prophecy so as to “make merchandise” of them exactly as prophesied in 2Peter 2:1-3 so as to gain their donations. 

I pray this decades old broadcast is a blessing unto you and yours.

This Truth Provided Audio Clip was originally shared May 07, 2003. (If you would like to listen to the audio from back then, I just this morning placed it on my new “Tough Bible Questions Answered PodCast” that I am thinking about starting so as to combat the issues I am experiencing due to YouTube shadow banning me as well as outright removal of my videos. (Also see this) If you think starting a podcast is a good idea, please let me know.

Do you remember these HEADLINES?


Do you remember these events? Needless to say, I don’t either. Yet, these were some of the predictions of “psychics” in recent years!

  • 2 Peter 3:3,4 says, “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.”

For a few weeks now I have had an ever-present topic running through my mind. So intense in fact that I decided to write a sermon on it. Today’s Truth Provided Audio Clip will be a condensed version of that sermon.

Since I was a child, I have seen all sorts of false prophets stepping forward to proclaim the world was going to end on a certain date. This of course is all besides the fact that Matthew 24:36 states, “that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Still we see many stepping forward to proclaim a date.

The prophecy proclaims that scoffers will be apparent in our day. And why not I ask, after researching a bit of history, one can see why they would scoff. Untold numbers of false prophets have been acting as if they understand Bible prophecy by predicting the end of the World with fantastic theories that appeal to those that don’t read Scriptures. And when their seemingly accurate predictions fail, scoffers are cultivated!

I decided to do some homework on this to see if in fact this is the case. I decided to look around to see if I can find some further evidence of scoffer cultivation. Are there numerous predictions out there? And are they getting worse in our day? Well, as I figured, I ran across quite a huge list of failed predictions. In fact, the list was so large that I am unable to share them here, or even in my sermon this coming Sabbath. So instead, I will share but a few of them.

  • 365 AD: A man by the name of Hilary of Poitiers, announced that the end would happen that year. It didn’t.
  • 375 to 400 AD : Saint Martin of Tours, a student of Hilary, was convinced that the end would happen sometime before 400 AD. We’re still here.
  • JAN 1 of 1000ad: Many Christians in Europe had predicted the end of the world on this date.

As the date approached, Christian armies waged war against some of the Pagan countries in Northern Europe. The motivation was to convert them all to Christianity, by force if necessary because they believed Christ would return in the year 1000. Meanwhile, some Christians had given their possessions to the Church in anticipation of the end. Fortunately, the level of education was so low at the time that many citizens were unaware of the year. They did not know enough to be afraid. Otherwise, the panic might have been far worse than it was. Unfortunately, when Jesus did not appear, the church did not return the gifts. Serious criticism of the Church followed. So the Roman Catholic Church reacted by exterminating quite a few heretics to shut them up.

Notice if you will that when these false predictions are made, many people are affected! It’s not just some guy on the street corner with a sign on his chest that says THE END IS FRIDAY! It’s a multitude of people shouting the same message. This lends “credence” to the message when the masses see many proclaiming it. So they jump on the band wagon. And then when it doesn’t happen… SATAN’S PLAN WORKS! More scoffers are then cultivated!

  • 1284: Pope Innocent III computed this date for the end by adding 666 years onto the date the Islam was founded.

This here is open and obvious proof Rome uses “private” interpretations. Nowhere in Scripture does it say to use the number 666 in calculating a date. It is to be used to calculate the NAME of the beast in Revelation 13 however. The Bible plainly says in 2 Peter 1:20 that, “…that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” How can a Pope declare such a thing if he ever read his Bible? Think about that! The LEADER of the largest “so called” Christian church is NOT studying His Bible! If he was, he would know what Peter said, plus he would know that there are 404 verses in Revelation. And out of those 404 verses, 278 of them carry the main message of the book. And ALL 278 of them are found almost word for word in all the other books of the Bible! That means the BIBLE defines the prophetic symbols perfectly! We don’t need to give our own interpretation. It’s already interpreted. Had that pope known that he would never have stated what he did. Still, many look to the Pope as infallible to this day!

  • 1346 and later: The black plague spread across Europe, killing one third of the population. This was seen as the prelude to an immediate end of the world.

Unfortunately, the Christians had previously killed many of the cats, fearing that they might be familiars of Witches. The fewer the cats, the more the rats. It was the rat fleas that spread the black plague. Compound that with their Biblical ignorance of such as dangers as Improper hygiene and garbage disposal you have a disaster in the making. And why did they not understand Biblical truths regarding such things? The Roman Catholic church in the council of Valencia saw to it that ALL Bibles were burned in the year 1229AD and on.

By this time… no one was alive that ever SAW a Bible that wasn’t in LATIN, a language no one knew… except of course the lying priests of Rome. You had to ask them what the Sculptures said, and of course they would lie. That is the MAIN reason these ages were called “dark.”

The plague came mainly because the People never had a Bible they could read to learn how not to generate a plague like environment.

  • 1689: Benjamin Keach, a 17th century Baptist, predicted the end of the world for this year.
    1792: was the date for the end of the world as it was calculated by some believers in the Shaker movement.
    1794: Charles Wesley, one of the founders of Methodist church, thought Doomsday would be in this year.
    1832: Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon movement, heard a voice and interpreted it as implying that if he lived to the age of 85, Jesus would return. Calculating forward, that would be the year 1890. Unfortunately, by that year, Smith had been dead for almost a half century.
  • This brings us to, OCT-22 1844-: William Miller predicted this date as an end. This was later tagged “The Great Disappointment,” by the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Many Christians sold their property and possessions, quit their jobs and prepared themselves for the second coming. Nothing happened of course when that the day came and went without incident. And by the way… this is the one and ONLY failed prediction prophecy states the true church of Jesus Christ would actually predict. If you absolutely and truly understand Bible prophetic symbolism you will plainly understand Revelation 10:9,10. The message that was being proclaimed in 1844 was indeed “SWEET AS HONEY” in the mouth as the prophecy predicted, and when it failed, it definitely “MADE THE BELLY BITTER.”

Fact is folks, William Miller got the date correct. He just got the event wrong. The 2300 year prophecy of Daniel 8 & 9 did indeed end on October 22, 1844. In fact that’s an easy prophecy to proclaim. The angel actually gave Daniel the starting and ending date for it!

  • In 1914, The Jehovah Witnesses predicted the return of Christ. In fact, in the years.. 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1957, 1975 and 1994, they also predicted He would return.
  • 1936: Herbert W Armstrong, founder of the Worldwide Church of God, predicted that the Day of the Lord would happen sometime in 1936. When the prediction failed, he made a new estimate: 1975
  • 1959: The Branch Davidians of Waco TX believed that they would be killed, resurrected, and transferred to heaven by APR-22 of that year.
  • 1982: Pat Robertson of the 700 club, and founder of the now extremely powerful “Christian Coalition” predicted a few years previously that the world would end in the fall of 1982.

Still, millions flock to this man when he speaks regardless of the fact that the Word of God declares plainly that if they are wrong, they are false prophets!

  • 1988: Hal Lindsey had predicted in his book “The Late, Great Planet Earth” that the Rapture was coming in that year –

This failed prophecy did not appear to damage his reputation in the slightest. He continues to write books of prophecy which sell very well indeed. In fact, to this day I find myself running into people that claim this man is a prophet. You can show them his books, and they will completely ignore the errors he put in print.

  • 1988-OCT-11: Edgar Whisenaut, a NASA scientist, had published the book “88 Reasons why the Rapture will Occur in 1988.”

It sold over 4 million copies. 4 MILLION COPIES! And when it failed, you now see a grand cultivation of possibly 4 million more scoffers.

And the last one I will comment on for now occurred back in May of 1988 There was a movie titled “The man who saw tomorrow” where in it they described some of Nostradamus’ predictions. This false prophet seems to be a favorite source of cultivating the scoffer. The false teachers like to alter his words to make him look authentic. In fact, they just got caught recently online doctoring his words to make it appear he predicted the 911 tragedies. Here’s just one of many false quotes I found that was doctored…

  • “In the year of the new century and nine months, From the sky
    will come a great King of Terror…
    The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
    Fire approaches the great new city…”

This is not quite a true quote from any of Nostradamus’ predictions. Besides the fact that it’s predicting Sept of the year, 2000 and not 2001, this is actually a combination of two predictions merged together to fit the 911 event. It is a combination of quatrains VI 97 and X 72. Plus, he didn’t say “new century”, he said “1999” –in the original quatrain and of course, as we all know, nothing happened then either!

That movie in the 80’s was designed by Satan to get people interested in Nostradamus so that when his predictions failed, more scoffers would be cultivated. Funny thing tho, I saw that movie and I don’t recall them mentioning the HUGE numbers of prophetic events Nostradamus predicted that never came to be. In fact, I did some research years back on this “Catholic” prophet. He not only used witchcraft to conjure up his visions. But he wrote enough predictions to fill a two car garage. The bulk of which never came true. Yet, all we see published is a small paperback booklet!?

Is it not written that a prophet of God is always 100% correct? If everyone that predicts the end of the world would read their Bible first, we would have a lot fewer predictions and a lot less scoffers. Some of the more obvious modern day scoffer cultivators have to be the…

  • Y2k non-event.
  • Jim Jones predictions
  • Heaven’s Gate
  • Nasa and their meteor predictions
  • Now everyone is shouting the IRAQI is the final war, and now the end will come!

Many people are being affected by these false prophets. Most of them are of course being cultivated to become scoffers, and the rest are simply going insane with fear. (as prophesied)

For example, I just received this article the other day…

Ivan Henk Admits To Killing Brendan Gonzalez
(Brendan Disappeared Jan. 6)
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb. — A Plattsmouth man admitted in Cass County District Court Tuesday to killing his 4-year-old son Brendan Gonzalez. …”The reason I killed Brendan is that he was the anti-Christ. He had 666 across his forehead.” – KETV NewsWatch Channel 7

If the people that are hearing these false messages believe them without doing as the Bereans do in Acts 17, then they will be cultivated as scoffers, and possibly worse as we just learned. So… What do they have for this month that is designed to cultivate more scoffers? 


That’s right! They are now preaching a massive planet hundreds of times larger than ours is about to cross our orbit. They say it will trigger massive earthquakes. It will rip open volcanoes, and unleash massive tsunamis. They say it can kick the Earth’s axis over, pushing Africa to the pole and Antarctica to the equator. It may even stop our planet from rotating they say! Or worse: peel the Earth’s crust off, tear our planet to bits. Or perhaps it will simply sweep our world aside, pushing it into the Sun. That’s the way it goes when suddenly, a HUGE planet zooms by. They say. Planet X is the supposedly eleventh planet of our solar system. It should be as big as many Earths. Dwarfing it perhaps even hundreds of times. Some people think X isn’t even a real planet, but a `brown dwarf’: a massive ball of dust and gas that almost succeeded in becoming a star. Planet X has something no other planet has: a huge orbit. Its orbit around the Sun lasts 3,600 years they say. Most of the time, it is far off, invisible to the eye. But every 3,600 years, the lost planet returns. Once here, it accelerates, and swings close past the Sun, disrupting everything it encounters they even have “very convincing” so called “proofs” that state the planet was here during previous disasters.

BTW… they are saying PLANET X will hit on May 18, 2003. Think about this simple fact for a moment… They say the planet is hundreds of times larger than earth, right? You would think we would SEE it by now? Doesn’t it reflect the suns light? Or is this a STEALTH planet created by Darth Vadar that can absorb our sun’s rays of light so as to appear invisible to us? The prophets are playing the little Shepard boy who cried wolf right before our eyes. And let me tell you, it IS effective!

Back in 1967 I saw first-hand how effective it is to cry DANGER DANGER, for days on end with nothing ever happening! People did in fact start to ignore the warnings!

There were tornado warnings every single day it seemed for at least a week that Spring. A couple of years before that I had a strange desire to read every bit of data I could get on meteorology. Particularly concerning storms, and especially tornados. I used to read encyclopedias as a child. So, I was a bit more prepared for this than most, praise the Lord.

Well… after about 4 or 5 days straight of yelling TORNADO WARNINGS over the TV’s and radios, the people in my area were becoming scoffers of the warnings because nothing ever happened! However, being only 12 at the time, and in the process of learning about tornadoes, I was not about to scoff because I knew predictions at that time weren’t an exact science, and I also knew how destructive tornadoes could be. Fear kept me looking up! And so, every time a warning came.. I was outside checking it out! I knew the signs to look for because I was reading up on them. Unlike the scoffers today that refuse to read up on prophecies, I had foreknowledge of what to look for from what I saw in the encyclopedias.

Some days look worse than others or of course, still the tornado never came, but knowing what I knew, and studying what I was studying, I knew there was a possibility of a tornado anyway. So I kept watch.

Then Friday, April 21, 1967 came. The warnings came. However, this time, I saw the anvil cloud. I saw the hail, the dead air calmness, the drastic temperature change, I even saw the green ring on the horizon when the tornado is supposed to be very close. I then saw the spinning base of the cloud that was to become a funnel and then the F5 twister that devastated my neighborhood. 

During all this, I was outside warning everyone I could. My siblings and the neighborhood kids. I warned them of things that would happen minutes before they did because of what I studied, but still they ignored me. They were conditioned as hardened scoffers. And then it hit! A tornado so wide I thought it was a black hurricane on land. When I looked on that thing I was never so scared as I was then. Even to this day I have never seen anything to frightening! I knew I was looking at death! Many people did in fact lose their lives that day because they ignored the warnings that were FALSE! (This is why I titled my first book “The Second Window“) 

Study your Bibles! And keep looking up no matter how many false prophets come forward! The prophecy is in fact true. The scoffers are here for a reason. Jesus said they would be cultivated, and now we can see how.

Refs for predictions
1. S.J. Gould, “Questioning the Millennium: A Rationalist’s Guide to a Precisely Arbitrary Countdown.”, Harmony Books, (1997) You can read a review and safely buy this book from online
2. Chris Nelson, “A brief history of the apocalypse,” at: This web site contains over 200 references to end-of-the-world predictions which have not come true.
3. William Martin, “Waiting for the End: The growing interest in apocalyptic prophesy,” The Atlantic Monthly, 1982-JUN. Online at:
4. Charles Taze Russell, “The Time is at Hand,” Page 99. Cited in Ref 5.
5. “Jehovah’s Witnesses and the History of 1914,” Watchman Fellowship, Inc., at:
6. Watchtower magazine, 1924-JUL-15, Page 211).
7. Richard Kyle, “The last days are here again: A history of the end times,” Baker Books, (1998), Page 111. You can read a review and safely buy this book from online bookstore

Remember this UFO Video?



Do you recall this video I made back in March of 2014 based on a Newsletter I did back in July of 2008 wherein I share photographic proof that the Popes of Rome not only started the UFO movement, they did so on canvas in the 15th century? These paintings depict Jesus Christ coming to this Earth not by the will of the Father in Heaven as Christian prophecy stated thousands of years ago, they openly blaspheme to claim the birth of Jesus Christ was the end result of an alien transporting Him into the womb of His mother Mary as this painting claims.

The dying god of Rome, most people call Satan, moved his man of sin to do all he can to make the prophesied arrival of Jesus as Messiah who was to die for the sins of all mankind appear false. Right before Jesus breathed His last to say “it is finished” on the cross that day, Satan, who is the author of death, was utterly defeated. (See 1 Corinthians 15:55) Since that very day he has focused his attack against what Jesus did for all of us when He died on the cross 2000 years ago.

Since the headquarters of Satan on earth is now openly confirmed to be the Vatican in Rome, I mean after all, the prophecy did say that the man of sin would be revealed in our day, did it not? If you are a student of prophecy you know that just as all the talk of a third temple today is right now being used to confuse many people into thinking what happened on Calvary was insufficient and therefore the lamb sacrifice for sin needs to restart so as to give all religious leaders much more power over the churches. Having Jesus depicted as an alien now, can confuse even more people into thinking the Bible record of His message and all the miracles He performed are nothing more than alien technological deceptions. That way, those that do not study the Word as they should will be easily moved into believing the lies, and especially so when Satan appears and then claims to be Jesus Christ on earth in the very near future.

When he does this as the Pope’s Climate Change agenda is in full swing; as prophesied he will perform miracles before the eyes of the lost and that will cause literally billions to believe he is the real Jesus, and the Bible is a work of fiction. Once billions are bowing to him, if they have not already succumbed to ignoring the Bible, he will then declare the Bible is unreliable just as the Pope and the SDA leaders claimed  back in 2019. Then, and as also prophesied, many will believe his lies as truth since they never studied the King James Bible in the first place.

And yes, this is why so many bogus Bibles have been printed the last few decades so as to cause many to put down the KJV Bible. The Popes of Rome have been doing all they can to make the Bible and the truth it contains to come off as questionable exactly as prophesied for this final attack on all of mankind. And yes, this is why the current Pope has not only been claiming Jesus failed on the cross more than once, he also stated Satan is more powerful than Jesus, as well as many other strange statements.

Soon Satan will appear claiming to be Jesus and he will heal many people and even declare a new and more exalted system of worship that is outside the Bible that appeals to the flesh of all those that ignored or never knew what Jesus said about going anywhere near him when he does this. All of them will believe every lie he spews and they will be forever lost.

This dying and fallen angel called Satan, will then declare the Bible to be a work of fiction especially when it comes to the true Sabbath of the Creator. Satan knows, those that keep God’s law prove they have the Holy Spirit helping them keep it, which then means they will gain eternal life. But he wants everyone to worship him and keep his fake Sunday Sabbath so as to cause them to gain eternal death, or damnation for as also prophesied, he is the god of dung that wants them all dead.

This fake Jesus will then declare he did change the Sabbath to Sunday and all of mankind must keep it holy or he will not stop the disasters brought on by what he and his pawns in Rome call climate change, but the Bible calls the finals signs of Christ’s return. As prophesied, nearly everyone on earth will believe him and then, that which was prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 will be fulfilled before everyone’s eyes and then the end will come.

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: (9) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, (10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. (11) And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: (12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

NASA’s new assignments: Find aliens, prove evolution   Leave a comment

"The National Space and Aeronautics Administration has done some amazing things for the United States over the years: the initial short flights into space, then the longer orbiting missions, the moon visits, the space station and even unmanned trips to every sidewalk in the solar system. But now it has some new goals: Find aliens. And prove evolution." –Source

First and foremost, NASA never landed anyone on the moon. All they did was win a propaganda war with the best lie. The fact we had "Van Allen Belts" back then and to this day still wrapped around our planet that would fry any human with lethal doses of radiation while passing through them using a tin foil type of 1960's space capsule proves they lied. In fact, when promoting a new space program for the planet Mars, NASA scientists recently admitted the Van Allen belts are a problem they need to work out as they cannot be flown through without killing the astronauts, and they have been caught admitting this numerous times on camera, yet no one seems to remember how NASA claimed to fly through them in the 1960's? (Also watch this video starting at 3:00) So.. why is that? Why is it no one remembers how we were 100% unable to get through the Van Allen Belts decades ago? Well besides the power behind the controlled media that knows all too well how to hide the facts and fabricate all sorts of strange things, most sheeple prefer the lie over the truth because it benefits the flesh.

For example, when our nation lied about landing on the moon that catapulted us into an unprecedented superpower status in both the political as well as financial realm. But not everyone was fooled. Sadly, the majority was and as we all know it's the numbers that count when it comes to pushing propaganda. But why is it that even when we have proof the moon landing was faked by using real science like we now see about the Van Allen Radiation Belts or simple common sense like who was left behind "on the moon" panning the camera up as the astronauts supposedly lifted off to head back to earth, or the basic reality of no blast crater under the lunar lander after they landed? It's simple, why acknowledge the lie after seeing how well America was "blessed" by the lie?

Since we know NASA is Not Always Scientifically Accurate and more politically motivated like any other government office, having them "find aliens" as well as "prove evolution" will indeed become a scientific "fact" soon because the powers that be are about promoting the lies of hell over and above the truth of Heaven. And yes, you guessed it, Rome is behind all this, and I can prove it.

#1, Rome started the UFO agenda literally centuries ago and I share the facts on this as well as some paintings from inside the Vatican of UFO's being present at both Christ's baptism as well as a tender moment with His mother. There's even a painting suggesting aliens were responsible for the virgin birth of Christ. They actually show a laser beam coming from a UFO into the womb of Mary no less!

And #2, the last three Popes have declared in writing that they believe evolution is true. See my Popes of Rome page if you want for more information on that as well as many other documented atrocities of the Popes. And so why would the Popes seek to belittle Christ as Creator and push this alien agenda?

Well, besides the fact the Popes in Rome and all their Vatican prelates have been caught red handed formally worshipping Satan inside the Vatican and then exposed to that end by one of their very own Bishop's at the 2000 Fatima Congress, they have also discovered a way to use evolution back in 2006 to make it that much easier to establish the mark of the beast. Now yes that sounds very strange and way off the prophesied direction of how the mark will be enforced. But keep in mind, they know about the remnant people of God and our prophesied mission to declare the Loud Cry and so they have to do all they can to confuse the masses away from the truth we proclaim. They know if enough people trust the truth as we preach it, their plans to glorify their dying god will fail and so they must muddy the waters to make out job that much more difficult. But take heart obedient ones, prophecy will still be fulfilled. We will do the work and many will "come out of her" just as Jesus said they would.

Misdirection has always been a favored tactic of Rome. In fact this has always been how they were able to come to power as the prophesied king of the north thousands of years ago and then merge with the church to become the Vatican they are today. This is also why a few false prophets today declare Islam to be both the Antichrist and the king of the north lately. They hope to generate a prophetic fog for the prophesied man of sin in Rome to keep the people at bay so as to move ahead on what's really prophesied to happen and it will work because most people don't read Bibles. So this means NASA will push ahead on this alien / evolution research and if the Lord tarries and Rome finds with their demographic research the majority of the sheeple trust their lies about evolution and aliens; they will then publicly announce from NASA that it is scientific fact just as the USA moved ahead when their research showed most Americans will believe their TV sets that showed they landed on the moon!

Additional Articles Confirming we are in the Last Days:
Politician quits post after being bullied for Christian faith * State to 'do what it takes' to end church's prolife ministry * VIDEO: 'To avoid coup'? Duterte accepts US advisers invited by Philippine military * Savannah pastor sentenced for using tithes to buy leather goods, lingerie * Left-wing smear group scorched as 'enemy of free speech' * Algerian sentenced for dangling baby out of window ‘to get 1,000 Facebook likes * Roman Catholic Trinity College professor calls white people ‘inhuman’: ‘Let them f-ing die’ * The Michelle Carter Suicide Text Verdict Has Future Legal Implications * After cocaine bust at California day care, authorities reveal ‘amazing’ drug operation * VIDEO: Johnny Depp threatens to assassinate Trump * VIDEO: Turkish Man Attacks Woman for ‘Wearing Shorts During Ramadan’ * Pamela Geller: The Coming Civil War * U.S. Border Agents Warned of ‘Open Warfare’ with ‘Grenades’ in Mexico at Texas Border * Saudi Student Deported After Allegedly Threatening Goodwill Store Shoppers to Convert to Islam * VIDEO: Brutal Attack at Target Store Brings Lawsuit * Sanctuary Cities Protecting MS-13 Gang Members from Deportation, Says ICE * Ferguson's Michael Brown to get Hollywood treatment * Euthanasia pioneer alarmed by what he unleashed * GOOD NEWS: Court protects Christian bakers from demands they promote homosexuality * German police raid 36 homes for 'hateful' social media posts * Texting while driving now legal in Colorado * VIDEO: Legal pot and car crashes: Yes, there's a link * VIDEO: Mom 'distracted by Facebook' charged in infant daughter's drowning * ANOTHER reason to quite eating meat * FINALLY: EU court: Vaccines can be blamed for illnesses without proof * WHAT?! US gun laws: Colorado to arm (Government) teachers in classrooms

Posted June 23, 2017 by Nicholas in poGm Gloss

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