Archive for the ‘hate crimes law’ Tag

As in days of Lot! Pedophile Protection soon?   5 comments

As I stated in last night’s blog right after Sabbath broke, I was looking for evidence regarding what I think should be considered an illegal act by the US Senate. As soon as I started researching articles for the site this morning I found the evidence. The United States Senate did in fact attach the most immoral rider known to man unto a military Bill so as to assure it’s passing. And they did so in a very obvious manner!

Even though the overwhelming mainstream response in this nation was totally against this insane Bill. They seek to sneak it under the door while we sleep. This proves the prophecied wicked mindset of our leaders is well ensconced within their skulls. The “Pedophile Protection Act” was attached to a defense spending Bill while most Americans were sleeping! They know some watch the televised meetings on TV, so they made sure to work on the Bill when most Americans are in bed.

A key Senate vote during the wee hours when most Americans were asleep has added the so-called “hate crimes” plan, which creates federal protections and privileges homosexuals and others who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles, to a defense spending bill.

While there are procedural hurdles yet, opponents say they expect the proposal that essentially makes homosexuals a protected class of citizens in the United States soon will reach the desk of President Obama, who has lobbied for it.

But the vote prompted both a warning about what a law linking criminal behavior to thought would do to free speech and a promise that the nation won’t give up its citizens’ basic rights easily.

“In six months President Obama and the Democratic-led Congress have forced on the American people the most radical and and immoral agenda,” said Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “The administration and the Democratic-led Congress are out of touch with the mainstream. They represent the most fringe extreme elements of America. They will not be able to continue their efforts to undermine moral values, socialize the economy and trash American pride and heritage.

The people will not remain silent forever,” he said.  –Source

Besides the obvious reasons for passing this Bill as I shared in yesterday’s Blog entry, what most people fail to realize as to why they are doing this. Unless you study prophecy as Jesus stated is our duty in Matthew 24, this is impossible to see.

In the article, Matthew Staver said “The people will not remain silent forever.” Is he waxing prophetic? Yes. Does he know he’s doing this? Not a chance!

Those of us that study prophecy know exactly what’s happening here. As I have stated so many times on WTPR radio as well as in many Truth Provided Newsletters, the Antichrist in Rome is setting the stage for a global church and State, wherein they will control every soul on earth. How does a graphically decadent government that panders to the immoral generate such an end result? The same way Obama got in office, and Bush before him. The Vatican has been playing the people like sheep for eons and they know what works. As the old saying goes, it’s easier to move masses of people than it is one man. They have just over 1,471 years of tried and rue political movements in their archives to draw and learn from. They know if they have a certain evil person in office that suppresses the people, the citizens will crave a moral leader at the next election. The last few presidents or so have proven this point openly. The American people have been promised all sorts of good things over and over again for decades at every campaign speech. With each passing president, the next is worst, and so on and so on. The same goes for Congress and the Senate, not to mention Supreme Court. Rome knows by experience that if you keep shoving the people around they will eventually beg for what teh controlled media has “proven” as a moral leader. This is why the Vatican is set up with a Pope out front that makes all sorts of “Christian” comments and loving words daily. Most are unaware of the black pope behind the scene that plans and commits blunt murders, genocides, war, oppression, etc. Obama and his gang will continue to push the envelope further and before you know it, the Vatican will make their move. It could be this administration, the next, or the next. No man knows the day or hour. But we do know a global government is on the horizon, and the Pope has already been elected the leader of it. The articles about his desires to lead are only announcements to the world what they already planned. They have worked this way for eons. They have their meetings, they choose leaders, and then they push out articles to get people ready for what they already did behind closed doors. That way they can manipulate the masses into thinking it was their idea all along. Soon, the decadence will be so widespread that a global government will be brought forth as the only way out of the mess. This is prophetic fulfillment in the making! Since the Vatican already controls the currency and political landscape by this time in the near future, it will be suggested they step up to do the “right thing” to prevent the corruption from spreading.

Isn’t it amazing to alive in these last days? We can actually watch as prophecy is fulfilled right before our eyes! What’s more amazing is, as hard as Rome and others try to hide it, they cannot hi8de the big picture! Christian prophecy is so amazing in that, it opens the future up to those with eyes that see, and slams the door shut on the blind. Even in His Word He has kept us safe!