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Shocking Articles of the Week (ending 03-20-24)

This is going to be a quick one, but it packs a wallop! There is a new movie coming out in July that is clearly designed to both frighten the Christian as well as embolden those that hate them. (See the trailer here)

What’s obvious about all that’s been happening lately is that the option of free speech for Christians angers and even scares the daylights out of the powers that be so much that this new movie they are promoting looks to frighten the weak Christians as well as embolden the angry Atheists against them. What we’re seeing as Christians today is what the Christians saw in the November of 1793 when the French Government guided by Rome, voted the Bibles out of society. And for those that understand prophetic symbolism, that is exactly when the “Two Witnesses” died exactly as prophesied in Revelation 11:7-10. But as also prophesied in Revelation 11:11-12, in June of 1797, those “Two Witnesses” arose to a point that today, anyone can have a KJV Bible in hand so as to finally hear what the Lord says unto His people without Rome killing them for doing so. Well.. not yet that is, as there is an obvious uptick in Christian persecution today.

As also prophesied by Jesus in Mark 4:15; as soon as someone gets ahold of God’s Word, “Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.” This prophecy is easily seen fulfilled in how all the pastors and preachers preach “another Jesus” unto everyone using “bogus Bibles” that were re-written by the Popes of Rome. They do this because the truth in the Bible is so hated today that like back in 1793, it will soon be illegal to be a Bible believing Christian. In fact, there has been an open and obvious agenda against Biblical Christianity in America for decades now.

The truth we have within our hearts and on our lips is such a threat to the lost and especially the church & state leaders, that as prophesied, free speech is being removed so as to try and prevent Christians from sharing what we know is coming upon the world regarding Roman Catholic laws that are designed to force all people regardless of their choice of religion on the entire planet to break God’s Law.

The powers that be hate and fear our God so much that in Canada they are right now working on a new law that can place Christians in prison for life for simply saying something other people hate. Anyone can see that the words that will be targeted are those that are found in Scripture because as everyone knows, if the Bible says something is sin, people that love the sin will always get very angry. Therefore, free speech needs to be removed. Worse yet, those speaking freely about their faith need to be thrown behind bars to shut them up and yes, when that fails due to Jesus moving more and more of His obedient flock to speak out so as to warn everyone about what’s truly happening, the powers that be will no longer be satisfied with throwing Christians in prison for life. As also prophesied, they will now demand their blood and the death decree will be passed declaring all Bible believing Christians who refuse to break God’s law exactly as Revelation 14:12 said they would; these obedient Christians will not keep the Vatican Sunday Sabbath holy, nor will they break the true Sabbath of the Creator God, for they know to keep God’s Sabbath is to receive the seal of God, and to keep Sunday holy is to receive  the mark of the beast. And because of their unbreakable faith, and because Christian prophecy cannot be changed, the church & state leaders will declare them to be worthy of death! It is then that the plagues of Revelation begin.

Shocking Articles of the Week (ending 03-13-24)

First of all, check out this insane headline. Democrat Governor Set to Criminalize Free Speech in Washington State — Gov. Inslee to Sign Law Allowing Reports of ‘Bias’ Expression Against Anyone, Including Family and Friends.

In the article it states; “According to the bill, “Bias incident means a person’s hostile expression of animus toward another person, relating to the other person’s actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or mental, physical, or sensory disability. A bias incident is deemed to be non-criminal in nature and does not include expressions of support for or opposition to a government’s policies or actions protected under free speech.” …the hotline gives people a way of informing on others supposedly guilty of thought crimes – or, perhaps, speech crimes.

As we can see, this is mainly geared towards RELIGION because as everyone knows, the homosexuals with political power hate Christians. In fact, the way laws have been changed and re-written the last few decades confirms this. Hence the reason certain aspects of the Bill target lifestyles the Bible openly calls sinful. No, this is not the main reason Satan targets the Christians with such unjust laws; but having such laws in writing that protects homosexuality or even the consumption of alcohol allows the one that hates Christians a clear avenue to report and persecute them as prophecy confirms has already begun. The powers that be under guidance of the enemy of souls need this legal foundation of corrupt and unjust laws to deem ANYTHING a Christian says in the coming days as illegal so that every word can be reported as “hateful” when in fact we love everyone enough to tell them the truth.

For example, let’s say you’re trying to help a homosexual find Christ so as to repent, find real happiness and genuine peace in life as well as eternal life in Heaven. But most homosexuals get so angry and this new law will afford them to chance to report you and you’re sent to jail. This new law can just as easily be used to jail the Christian if they speak against someone’s promiscuity as a heterosexual as well by simply highlighting commandment #7. Fact is, the Christian can even be jailed with such a law as this in how it’s planned to be written by simply trying to explain the dangers of breaking God’s Law in any way to any non-believer.

When they use climate change in the coming days to enforce Sunday laws, which students of prophecy know for a fact is the mark of the beast, those in power can legally declare any statement made by an obedient child of God regarding those Sunday laws to be a dangerous and deadly statement to every soul on earth. Why?

As the now vindicated remnant people know regarding the Popes declaration that “Climate Change is a Religious Problem” back on December 03, 2023, when we go forth in the loud cry preaching Bible truth to anyone that doesn’t know Sunday Sabbath is the mark of the beast and the true Bible Sabbath is the seal of God, we will be considered enemies of the State and jailed.

And for those that think this is too far-fetched to believe, were you aware this isn’t the first time Satan used this method of attack on God’s people? Do you remember when the Pharisees tried to prevent the apostles from preaching truth about their many unbiblical errors as well as declaring Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah? It says in Acts 5:29 that, “Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”

Praise the Lord the apostles were bold enough to obey God no matter what the powers that be demanded of them back then. Had they not obeyed the Lord, none of us may never have found Jesus as Lord 2000 years later; for it is also declared plainly in Romans 10:13-15, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

And just so you know, to make this attack on Christians that much easier for those that hate them; and in today’s world that amounts to billions in every nation including the USA; were you aware that the powers that be in America are also working on another stealthy method to allow citizens in one state to ‘turn in their friends, family members and strangers, which as we know from how they have done this with other laws the last few decades, once it is adopted in one state it finds support in other states. In fact, another state is right now expected to pass a Bill wherein you can send your neighbor to prison for what they call “WrongSpeak?” In so doing they will pay you $2,000 from taxpayer funds in the state of Washington!

And if you think it can’t get any worse, check out this article that affirms the state of New Hampshire has launched a holy war on a pastor for home-churching. Is it any wonder a report came out showing how the U.S. sees spike in attacks on Christian Churches?

The basic reality here is that just as we will see with the laws to enforce the ridiculous mandates during the so-called pandemic will be changed from the enforcement of the mask to the enforcement of the mark; this new law will go from being used to jail Christians who speak out against everything from homosexuality, the Pagan holidays most believe have Christian roots or even the need to get back to primitive godliness, to jailing us for proving the Sunday Sabbath they seek to enforce on all mankind as a way to stop the disasters brought on climate change is in fact the long prophesied mark of the beast. And as for those claiming the mark isn’t Sunday laws, why I ask are they doing EXACTLY as Christian prophecy said they will be doing at this time? How can so many prophecies all being fulfilled to the letter during the same time be all a massive coincidence? 

Why are they targeting Christians you ask?

Jesus said in Matthew 5:11-12, “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” Your King Jesus also said in Matthew 10:18-22, “And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.  And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”


Shocking Articles of the Week (ending 03-06-24)

I will touch on three articles this week that actually work well together when it comes to showing just how close to the end and the glorious return of our Lord, Saviour and King Jesus Christ we really are.

Check out this trailer for a movie called Civil War. It seems that just as Hollywood has done so many times before under the guidance of both Rome and corrupt Politicians in a demonic compliance of church and state, (not to be confused with the prophesied image of the beast) this movie will no doubt seed the maniacal mindset of literally thousands of less educated Americans into building deep within themselves an optimistic viewpoint towards triggering a civil war in the USA again. Yes, the so-called “well educated” church and state leaders are also working on this as well; but theirs is an education based on self-glory and a diabolical lust for power. One can only image how soon it is when we see pictures like this repeating daily in every city.

But of course, the movements of church and state leaders towards this coming to fruition will be kept behind closed doors, just as the Popes of Rome who have claimed to be leading a Christian church for centuries have actually hidden their indisputable satanic fruit, as well as many other prophesied facts locking them down as the home to antichrist. For the most part, and I love how the Lord makes this possible; one doesn’t need a prophetic eye to see such things. The mere ability to read historic record should suffice. What amazes me is how many Catholics and non-Catholics alike ignore these biblical facts, or worse yet even believe the Popes are pro-life even though Catholic hospitals still kill babies to this day. Yes, most will declare I’m lying about that, but, the facts are readily available if in reality scoffers would even care to look at them.

The basic and long-prophesied reality here is that Satan needs to change everything in a graphic manner (great reset) in our day, and he needs to get it done quickly so as to make the enforcement of his mark much easier. Therefore, this movie about a civil war in America is going to help him to that end. And before anyone seeks to email or call me declaring I’m a bit irrational; you need to be aware that civil war is prophesied to happen a second time in America. Don’t believe me? Sit tight and I will prove it,  but before sharing the facts on this that line up perfectly with what everyone sees with their own eyes today, notice this article that was just posted titled, “Alarm Bells For The U.S. Food Supply” a few days ago. This is key to how this all goes down.

As most that follow the daily news reports realize, the exorbitant prices of food as well as a very obvious shortage in the food supply is essentially designed by the powers that be to generate more profits on their end while at the same time cripple the middle classes and especially place a burden on millions of poor Americans. As most that only have a mere smattering of prophetic understanding can tell you, even they know, the rich are to become richer while the poor become poorer.

This lack of means to the common man will bring on much more crime as well as chaos in the cities, which will of course allow the powers that be to follow through on their Socialist plans that they hope to bring “order out of chaos” so as to bring on their long desired “police state” in the USA which they know will cripple any and all viable opposition. What most are not aware of due to the prophesied apostate pastors running rampant across Christendom that are blind to the many prophetic realities of our day; which includes how the Pope is using “climate change” to bring about religious laws to enforce unjust laws he claims will slow what he calls climate change and the Bible calls the final signs of Christ’s return. The fact they are planning to literally fine people between $2,171 and $3,257 for driving cars ON SUNDAY in Mexico City claiming it will help slow climate change attests to just how accurate Christian prophecy is.

In sort, this civil war movie is nothing more than a means to an end. It’s a nationwide psychological operation targeting vulnerable Americans that prefer Sports, Hollywood and other forms of entertainment to cloud their minds so as to be unable to see what’s actually happening all around them. But then that’s how Satan has always plied his craft against the human race.

When looking upon all that was orchestrated via the recent bought and paid for riots, supply chain disruptions, current crime waves, the so-called pandemic and quite a few other odds and ends that helped the government approved churches and corrupt politicians build their infrastructure that grants Satan’s man of sin in Rome the much needed power to enforce his mark worldwide. The timing of all this is seamless in that it is already bringing on an emptying of the store shelves as well as increasing prices off the chart making it quite difficult for the middle class and especially rough for the poor to afford something and basic as food. Truth is, all of this is supposed to happen in the end of days.

That all being said, notice what was stated 125 years ago regarding how civil war will be cultivated in America.

The monied men, because they have the power, control the market. They purchase at low rates all they can obtain, and then sell at greatly increased pricesThis means starvation to the poorer classes, and will result in a civil war.” -General manuscript, untitled, typed August 13, 1899.  {5MR 305.3,4}  

Everything we see happening in the USA regarding how the government is purposely crippling our food supply by regulating the truckers that bring it, to many food manufacturers somehow suddenly burning to the ground, as well as seeking to cause millions of livestock to starve, and now since that wasn’t working fast enough for them, the largest fires ever recorded in the Texas’ state history is sure to further effect the food supply as farmers and ranchers lose everything.

And it’s no mistake the powers that be cultivated their infamous crime wave using government approved riots in many cities as well as now allowing millions of illegal aliens into the country that have no fear of jail time for their crimes; all of this generates the “need” for a federal police force to control the crime THEY CULTIVATED. And so, we can surely expect to see more and more of what’s happening in New York wherein they just deployed the National Guard to Combat New York City Subway Crime, and if the presence of soldiers in the Subway isn’t enough to normalize soldiers on every corner as we saw in Nazi Germany, they’re also going through peoples bags as well. Now yes, this will make things safer, but none of this was necessary until 9 million illegals were allowed to enter into our country. But then, you could never demonstrate a reason for an American police state unless there was an invasion.

Everything is where it needs to be so that when Rome decides to enforce her mark first in the USA, all nations will follow our lead exactly as prophesied.